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<title>Upgrade iRedMail from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1</title>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;//&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="./index.html">Document Index</a></div><h1 id="upgrade-iredmail-from-090-to-091">Upgrade iRedMail from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1</h1>
<div class="toc">
<li><a href="#upgrade-iredmail-from-090-to-091">Upgrade iRedMail from 0.9.0 to 0.9.1</a><ul>
<li><a href="#changelog">ChangeLog</a></li>
<li><a href="#general-all-backends-should-apply-these-steps">General (All backends should apply these steps)</a><ul>
<li><a href="#update-etciredmail-release-with-new-iredmail-version-number">Update /etc/iredmail-release with new iRedMail version number</a></li>
<li><a href="#upgrade-roundcube-webmail-to-the-latest-stable-release">Upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release</a></li>
<li><a href="#upgrade-iredapd-postfix-policy-server-to-the-latest-150">Upgrade iRedAPD (Postfix policy server) to the latest 1.5.0</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-return-receipt-response-rejected-by-iredapd-plugin-reject_null_sender">Fixed: return receipt response rejected by iRedAPD plugin reject_null_sender</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-amavisd-cannot-ban-zipped-exe-attachment-file">Fixed: Amavisd cannot ban zipped .exe attachment file.</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-amavisd-cannot-detect-exe-file-in-rar-compressed-attachment">Fixed: Amavisd cannot detect .exe file in rar compressed attachment.</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-cannot-run-php-script-under-web-document-root-with-nginx">Fixed: Cannot run PHP script under web document root with Nginx.</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-incorrect-log-file-and-ownergroup-in-logrotate-config-file-etclogrotatedpolicyd">Fixed: Incorrect log file and owner/group in logrotate config file: /etc/logrotate.d/policyd</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-incorrect-path-of-command-sogo-tool-on-openbsd">Fixed: Incorrect path of command sogo-tool on OpenBSD</a></li>
<li><a href="#optional-make-dovecot-subscribe-newly-created-folder-automatically">[OPTIONAL] Make Dovecot subscribe newly created folder automatically</a></li>
<li><a href="#optional-setup-fail2ban-to-monitor-password-failures-in-sogo-log-file">[OPTIONAL] Setup Fail2ban to monitor password failures in SOGo log file</a></li>
<li><a href="#optional-add-two-more-fail2ban-filter-regular-expressios-to-help-catch-spam">[OPTIONAL] Add two more Fail2ban filter regular expressios to help catch spam</a></li>
<li><a href="#openldap-backend-special">OpenLDAP backend special</a><ul>
<li><a href="#use-the-latest-ldap-schema-file-provided-by-iredmail">Use the latest LDAP schema file provided by iRedMail</a></li>
<li><a href="#restrict-mail-user-to-login-from-specified-ip-addresses-or-networks">Restrict mail user to login from specified IP addresses or networks</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-not-backup-sogo-database">Fixed: not backup SOGo database</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-drop-retired-column-in-amavisd-database-policyspam_modifies_subj">Fixed: drop retired column in Amavisd database: policy.spam_modifies_subj</a></li>
<li><a href="#optional-bypass-greylisting-for-some-big-isps">[OPTIONAL] Bypass greylisting for some big ISPs</a></li>
<li><a href="#mysqlmariadb-backend-special">MySQL/MariaDB backend special</a><ul>
<li><a href="#add-new-sql-column-in-vmail-database">Add new SQL column in vmail database</a></li>
<li><a href="#restrict-mail-user-to-login-from-specified-ip-addresses-or-networks-and-apply-service-restriction-while-acting-as-sasl-server">Restrict mail user to login from specified IP addresses or networks, and apply service restriction while acting as SASL server</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-userextensiondomaincom-doesnt-work-with-per-domain-catch-all">Fixed: doesn't work with per-domain catch-all</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-not-backup-sogo-database_1">Fixed: not backup SOGo database</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-drop-retired-column-in-amavisd-database-policyspam_modifies_subj_1">Fixed: drop retired column in Amavisd database: policy.spam_modifies_subj</a></li>
<li><a href="#optional-bypass-greylisting-for-some-big-isps_1">[OPTIONAL] Bypass greylisting for some big ISPs</a></li>
<li><a href="#postgresql-backend-special">PostgreSQL backend special</a><ul>
<li><a href="#add-new-sql-column-in-vmail-database_1">Add new SQL column in vmail database</a></li>
<li><a href="#restrict-mail-user-to-login-from-specified-ip-addresses-or-networks-and-apply-service-restriction-while-acting-as-sasl-server_1">Restrict mail user to login from specified IP addresses or networks, and apply service restriction while acting as SASL server</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-userextensiondomaincom-doesnt-work-with-per-domain-catch-all_1">Fixed: doesn't work with per-domain catch-all</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-not-backup-sogo-database_2">Fixed: not backup SOGo database</a></li>
<li><a href="#fixed-drop-retired-column-in-amavisd-database-policyspam_modifies_subj_2">Fixed: drop retired column in Amavisd database: policy.spam_modifies_subj</a></li>
<li><a href="#optional-bypass-greylisting-for-some-big-isps_2">[OPTIONAL] Bypass greylisting for some big ISPs</a></li>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Paid Remote Upgrade Support</p>
<p>We offer remote upgrade support if you don't want to get your hands dirty,
check <a href="">the details</a> and
<a href="">contact us</a>.</p>
<h2 id="changelog">ChangeLog</h2>
<li>2015-05-15: Initial public.</li>
<h2 id="general-all-backends-should-apply-these-steps">General (All backends should apply these steps)</h2>
<h3 id="update-etciredmail-release-with-new-iredmail-version-number">Update <code>/etc/iredmail-release</code> with new iRedMail version number</h3>
<p>iRedMail stores the release version in <code>/etc/iredmail-release</code> after
installation, it's recommended to update this file after you upgraded iRedMail,
so that you can know which version of iRedMail you're running. For example:</p>
<pre><code># File: /etc/iredmail-release
<h3 id="upgrade-roundcube-webmail-to-the-latest-stable-release">Upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release</h3>
<p>Additional notes before upgrading Roundcube webmail 1.1.0 (or later releases):</p>
<li>for Debian/Ubuntu users, please install package <code>php-pear</code> and <code>php5-intl</code>,
enable <code>intl</code> module for PHP, then restart Apache service or <code>php5_fpm</code>
service (if you're running Nginx):</li>
<pre><code># apt-get install php-pear php5-intl
# php5enmod intl
# service apache2 restart # &lt;- OR: `service php5_fpm restart` if you're running Nginx
<li>for OpenBSD users, please install package <code>php-intl</code>, then
restart <code>php_fpm</code> service:</li>
<pre><code># pkg_add -r php-intl
# /etc/rc.d/php_fpm restart
<p>Please download the <code>Complete</code> edition (e.g. <code>roundcubemail-1.1.1-complete.tar.gz</code>)
instead of <code>Dependent</code> edition (e.g. <code>roundcubemail-1.1.1.tar.gz</code>).</p>
<p>After you have additional packages installed, please follow Roundcube official
tutorial to upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release:
<a href="">How to upgrade Roundcube</a>.</p>
<li>If you're going to update PHP to 5.6, you should add below settings in
Roundcube config file (<code>config/</code>) to avoid ssl certificate issue.
If you don't know the location of this config file, check our tutorial here:
<a href="./file.locations.html#roundcube-webmail">Locations of configuration and log files of major components</a>.</li>
<pre><code>// Required if you're running PHP 5.6
$config['imap_conn_options'] = array(
'ssl' =&gt; array(
'verify_peer' =&gt; false,
'verify_peer_name' =&gt; false,
$config['smtp_conn_options'] = array(
'ssl' =&gt; array(
'verify_peer' =&gt; false,
'verify_peer_name' =&gt; false,
<h3 id="upgrade-iredapd-postfix-policy-server-to-the-latest-150">Upgrade iRedAPD (Postfix policy server) to the latest 1.5.0</h3>
<p>Please follow below tutorial to upgrade iRedAPD to the latest stable release:
<a href="./upgrade.iredapd.html">Upgrade iRedAPD to the latest stable release</a></p>
<p>Detailed release notes are available here: <a href="./iredapd.releases.html">iRedAPD release notes</a>.</p>
<p>iRedAPD-1.5.0 is able to log rejection and other non-DUNNO actions in iRedAdmin
database, admin can view the log under menu <code>System -&gt; Admin Log</code> of iRedAdmin.
If you want to log these actions, please add below new parameters in iRedAPD
config file <code>/opt/iredapd/</code>:</p>
<pre><code># Log reject (and other non-DUNNO) action in iRedAdmin SQL database
log_action_in_db = True
iredadmin_db_server = ''
iredadmin_db_port = '3306'
iredadmin_db_name = 'iredadmin'
iredadmin_db_user = 'iredadmin'
iredadmin_db_password = 'password'
<p>You can find SQL username/password of iRedAdmin database in iRedAdmin config
<h3 id="fixed-return-receipt-response-rejected-by-iredapd-plugin-reject_null_sender">Fixed: return receipt response rejected by iRedAPD plugin <code>reject_null_sender</code></h3>
<p>Note: this is applicable if you want to keep iRedAPD plugin <code>reject_null_sender</code>
but still able to send return receipt with Roundcube webmail.</p>
<p>According to RFC2298, return receipt envelope sender address must be empty. If
you have iRedAPD plugin <code>reject_null_sender</code> enabled, it will reject return
receipt response. To particularly solve this issue, you can set below setting
in Roundcube config file <code>config/</code>:</p>
<li>on RHEL/CentOS/OpenBSD, it's <code>/var/www/roundcubemail/config/</code>.</li>
<li>on Debian/Ubuntu, it's <code>/usr/share/apache2/roundcubemail/config/</code>.</li>
<li>on FreeBSD, it's <code>/usr/local/www/roundcube/config/</code>.</li>
<pre><code>$config['mdn_use_from'] = true;
<p>Note: if other mail client applications don't set smtp authentication user as
envelope sender of return receipt, same issue will occurs. You must disable
iRedAPD plugin <code>reject_null_sender</code> in <code>/opt/iredapd/</code> to make all
mail clients work.</p>
<p>iRedAPD plugin <code>reject_null_sender</code> rejects message submitted by sasl
authenticated user but with null sender in <code>From:</code> header (<code>from=&lt;&gt;</code> in Postfix
log). If your user's password was cracked by spammer, spammer can use this
account to bypass smtp authentication, but with a null sender in <code>From:</code>
header, throttling won't be triggered.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-amavisd-cannot-ban-zipped-exe-attachment-file">Fixed: Amavisd cannot ban zipped <code>.exe</code> attachment file.</h3>
<p>Note: this is applicable to only RHEL/CentOS.</p>
<p>Amavisd on some Linux/BSD distribution uses <code>$banned_namepath_re</code>
instead of <code>$banned_filename_re</code> to check banned file types, but it
(<code>$banned_namepath_re</code>) was not defined, so we define some blocked file
types here.</p>
<p>Please append below settings in Amavisd config file <code>/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf</code>,
before the last line (<code>1; # insure a defined return</code>) in the same file:</p>
<pre><code># Amavisd on some Linux/BSD distribution use \$banned_namepath_re
# instead of \$banned_filename_re, so we define some blocked file
# types here.
# Sample input for $banned_namepath_re:
# P=p003\tL=1\tM=multipart/mixed\nP=p002\tL=1/2\tM=application/octet-stream\tT=dat\
# What it means:
# - T: type. e.g. zip archive.
# - M: MIME type. e.g. application/octet-stream.
# - N: suggested (MIME) name. e.g.
$banned_namepath_re = new_RE(
[qr'T=(zip|rar|arc|arj|zoo|gz|bz2)(,|\t)'xmi =&gt; 'DISCARD'], # Compressed file types
[qr'T=x-(msdownload|msdos-program|msmetafile|wmf)(,|\t)'xmi =&gt; 'DISCARD'],
[qr'T=(hta)(,|\t)'xmi =&gt; 'DISCARD'],
# Dangerous file types
[qr'T=(9|386|LeChiffre|aaa|abc|aepl|ani|aru|atm|aut|b64|bat|bhx|bkd|blf|bll|bmw|boo|bps|bqf|breaking_bad|buk|bup|bxz|cc|ccc|ce0|ceo|cfxxe|chm|cih|cla|class|cmd|com|cpl|crinf|crjoker|crypt|cryptolocker|cryptowall|ctbl|cxq|cyw|dbd|delf|dev|dlb|dli|dll|dllx|dom|drv|dx|dxz|dyv|dyz|ecc|exe|exe-ms|exe1|exe_renamed|exx|ezt|ezz|fag|fjl|fnr|fuj|good|gzquar|hlp|hlw|hqx|hsq|hts|iva|iws|jar|js|kcd|keybtc@inbox_com|let|lik|lkh|lnk|locky|lok|lol!|lpaq5|magic|mfu|micro|mim|mjg|mjz|mp3|nls|oar|ocx|osa|ozd|pcx|pgm|php2|php3|pid|pif|plc|pr|pzdc|qit|qrn|r5a|rhk|rna|rsc_tmp|s7p|scr|shs|ska|smm|smtmp|sop|spam|ssy|swf|sys|tko|tps|tsa|tti|ttt|txs|upa|uu|uue|uzy|vb|vba|vbe|vbs|vbx|vexe|vxd|vzr|wlpginstall|wmf|ws|wsc|wsf|wsh|wss|xdu|xir|xlm|xlv|xnt|xnxx|xtbl|xxe|xxx|xyz|zix|zvz|zzz)(,|\t)'xmi =&gt; 'DISCARD'],
# Dangerous file name extensions
[qr'N=.*\.(9|386|LeChiffre|aaa|abc|aepl|ani|aru|atm|aut|b64|bat|bhx|bkd|blf|bll|bmw|boo|bps|bqf|breaking_bad|buk|bup|bxz|cc|ccc|ce0|ceo|cfxxe|chm|cih|cla|class|cmd|com|cpl|crinf|crjoker|crypt|cryptolocker|cryptowall|ctbl|cxq|cyw|dbd|delf|dev|dlb|dli|dll|dllx|dom|drv|dx|dxz|dyv|dyz|ecc|exe|exe-ms|exe1|exe_renamed|exx|ezt|ezz|fag|fjl|fnr|fuj|good|gzquar|hlp|hlw|hqx|hsq|hts|iva|iws|jar|js|kcd|keybtc@inbox_com|let|lik|lkh|lnk|locky|lok|lol!|lpaq5|magic|mfu|micro|mim|mjg|mjz|mp3|nls|oar|ocx|osa|ozd|pcx|pgm|php2|php3|pid|pif|plc|pr|pzdc|qit|qrn|r5a|rhk|rna|rsc_tmp|s7p|scr|shs|ska|smm|smtmp|sop|spam|ssy|swf|sys|tko|tps|tsa|tti|ttt|txs|upa|uu|uue|uzy|vb|vba|vbe|vbs|vbx|vexe|vxd|vzr|wlpginstall|wmf|ws|wsc|wsf|wsh|wss|xdu|xir|xlm|xlv|xnt|xnxx|xtbl|xxe|xxx|xyz|zix|zvz|zzz)$'xmi =&gt; 'DISCARD'],
<p>Restarting Amavisd service is required.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-amavisd-cannot-detect-exe-file-in-rar-compressed-attachment">Fixed: Amavisd cannot detect <code>.exe</code> file in rar compressed attachment.</h3>
<p>Note: This fix is applicable to RHEL/CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu.</p>
<li>On RHEL/CentOS, iRedMail doesn't install <code>unrar</code>.</li>
<li>On Debian/Ubuntu, iRedMail installs package <code>unrar-free</code> as unarchiver to
uncompress <code>.rar</code> attachment, but Amavisd cannot correctly detect <code>.exe</code> file
in rar compressed file.</li>
<p>Steps to fix this issue on RHEL/CentOS:</p>
<pre><code># yum clean metadata
# yum install unrar
# service amavisd restart
<hr />
<p>Steps to fix this issue on Debian:</p>
<li>Install package <code>unrar-free</code>, restart Amavisd service.</li>
<pre><code># apt-get install unrar-free
# service amavis restart
<hr />
<p>Steps to fix this issue on Ubuntu:</p>
<li>Make sure you have <code>multiverse</code> section enabled in <code>/etc/apt/sources.list</code>.
for example:</li>
<pre><code># For Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
deb http://[ubuntu_mirror_site]/ubuntu/ trusty main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://[ubuntu_mirror_site]/ubuntu/ trusty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
# For Ubuntu 15.04
deb http://[ubuntu_mirror_site]/ubuntu/ vivid main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://[ubuntu_mirror_site]/ubuntu/ vivid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
<li>Delete package <code>unrar-free</code>, install package <code>unrar</code>.</li>
<pre><code># apt-get remove --purge unrar-free
# apt-get install unrar
<li>Add below setting in Amavisd config file <code>/etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user</code> to ask
Amavisd to use <code>unrar-nonfree</code> as unarchiver:</li>
<pre><code>$unrar = ['unrar-nonfree'];
<li>Restart Amavisd service:</li>
<pre><code># service amavis restart
<h3 id="fixed-cannot-run-php-script-under-web-document-root-with-nginx">Fixed: Cannot run PHP script under web document root with Nginx.</h3>
<p>With previous release of iRedMail, Nginx won't run PHP scripts under
sub-directories of web document root, this step will fix it.</p>
<li>Open Nginx config file <code>/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf</code> (on Linux/OpenBSD)
or <code>/usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf</code>, add one more setting in
configuration block <code>location ~ \.php$ {}</code> like below:</li>
root /var/www/html;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/html$fastcgi_script_name; # &lt;- Add this line
<li>Save your changes and restart Nginx service.</li>
<li>There're two <code>location ~ \.php$ {}</code> blocks, please update both of them.</li>
<p>You must replace <code>/var/www/html</code> in above sample code to the value of <code>root</code>
setting defined in same config file.</p>
<li>on RHEL/CentOS, it's <code>/var/www/html</code>.</li>
<li>on Debian/Ubuntu, it's <code>/var/www</code>.</li>
<li>on FreeBSD, it's <code>/usr/local/www/apache22/data</code>.
Note: if you're running Apache-2.4, the directory name should be
<code>apache24</code>, not <code>apache22</code>.</li>
<li>on OpenBSD, it's <code>/var/www/htdocs</code>.</li>
<h3 id="fixed-incorrect-log-file-and-ownergroup-in-logrotate-config-file-etclogrotatedpolicyd">Fixed: Incorrect log file and owner/group in logrotate config file: <code>/etc/logrotate.d/policyd</code></h3>
<p>Note: This is applicable to Linux and FreeBSD, we don't have Cluebringer
installed on OpenBSD.</p>
<p>iRedMail-0.9.0 generates logrotate config file <code>/etc/logrotate.d/policyd</code> with
incorrect log file name and owner/group.</p>
<p>The original setting looks like below:</p>
<pre><code>/var/log/amavisd.log {
create 0600 amavis amavis
<p>Please change the log file name and owner/group to below settings:</p>
<pre><code>/var/log/cbpolicyd.log {
create 0600 cluebringer cluebringer
<p>Note: on FreeBSD, the owner/group name is <code>policyd</code>, not <code>cluebringer</code>.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-incorrect-path-of-command-sogo-tool-on-openbsd">Fixed: Incorrect path of command <code>sogo-tool</code> on OpenBSD</h3>
<p>Note: this step is applicable to only OpenBSD.</p>
<p>Please check user <code>_sogo</code>'s cron job, make sure path to <code>sogo-tool</code> command is
<pre><code># crontab -l -u _sogo
<p>If it's not <code>/usr/local/sbin/sogo-tool</code>, please edit its cron job with below
command and fix it:</p>
<pre><code># crontab -e -u _sogo
<h3 id="optional-make-dovecot-subscribe-newly-created-folder-automatically">[<strong>OPTIONAL</strong>] Make Dovecot subscribe newly created folder automatically</h3>
<p>With default iRedMail setting, Dovecot will create folder automatically (for
example, send email to <code></code> will create folder
<code>extension</code> in <code></code>'s mailbox), but not subscribe it. Below change
will make it subscribe to new folder automatically.</p>
<li>Open Dovecot config file <code>/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf</code> (FreeBSD), find block <code>protocol lda {}</code>
like below:</li>
<pre><code>protocol lda {
<li>Add one more setting in this block:</li>
<pre><code>protocol lda {
lda_mailbox_autosubscribe = yes
<li>Restarting Dovecot service.</li>
<h3 id="optional-setup-fail2ban-to-monitor-password-failures-in-sogo-log-file">[<strong>OPTIONAL</strong>] Setup Fail2ban to monitor password failures in SOGo log file</h3>
<p>To improve server security, we'd better block clients which have too many
failed login attempts from SOGo.</p>
<p>Please append below lines in Fail2ban main config file <code>/etc/fail2ban/jail.local</code>:</p>
enabled = true
filter = sogo-auth
port = http, https
# without proxy this would be:
# port = 20000
action = iptables-multiport[name=SOGo, port=&quot;http,https&quot;, protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
<p>Restarting Fail2ban service is required.</p>
<h3 id="optional-add-two-more-fail2ban-filter-regular-expressios-to-help-catch-spam">[OPTIONAL] Add two more Fail2ban filter regular expressios to help catch spam</h3>
<p>We have two new Fail2ban filters to help catch spam:</p>
<li>first one will scan HELO rejections in Postfix log file.</li>
<li>second one will scan aborded pop3/imap login in Dovecot log file.</li>
<li>Open file <code>/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix.iredmail.conf</code> or
<code>/usr/local/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix.iredmail.conf</code> (on FreeBSD), append
below line under <code>[Definition]</code> section:</li>
<pre><code> reject: RCPT from (.*)\[&lt;HOST&gt;\]: 504 5.5.2 (.*) Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname
<p>After modification, the whole content is:</p>
failregex = \[&lt;HOST&gt;\]: SASL (PLAIN|LOGIN) authentication failed
lost connection after AUTH from (.*)\[&lt;HOST&gt;\]
reject: RCPT from (.*)\[&lt;HOST&gt;\]: 550 5.1.1
reject: RCPT from (.*)\[&lt;HOST&gt;\]: 450 4.7.1
reject: RCPT from (.*)\[&lt;HOST&gt;\]: 554 5.7.1
reject: RCPT from (.*)\[&lt;HOST&gt;\]: 504 5.5.2 (.*) Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname
ignoreregex =
<li>Open file <code>/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/dovecot.iredmail.conf</code> or
<code>/usr/local/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/dovecot.iredmail.conf</code> (on FreeBSD), replace
its content by below text:</li>
failregex = Authentication failure.* rip=&lt;HOST&gt;
Aborted login \(no auth attempts in .* rip=&lt;HOST&gt;
Aborted login \(auth failed.* rip=&lt;HOST&gt;
Aborted login \(tried to use disallowed .* rip=&lt;HOST&gt;
Aborted login \(tried to use disabled .* rip=&lt;HOST&gt;
ignoreregex =
<p>Restarting Fail2ban service is required.</p>
<h2 id="openldap-backend-special">OpenLDAP backend special</h2>
<h3 id="use-the-latest-ldap-schema-file-provided-by-iredmail">Use the latest LDAP schema file provided by iRedMail</h3>
<p>We have a new attribute <code>allowNets</code> for mail user in the latest LDAP schema
file. With this new attribute, you can restrict mail users to login from
specified IP addresses or networks, multiple IP/nets must be separated by
<p>Steps to use the latest LDAP schema file are:</p>
<li>Download the newest iRedMail ldap schema file</li>
<li>Copy old ldap schema file as a backup copy</li>
<li>Replace the old one</li>
<li>Restart OpenLDAP service.</li>
<p>Here we go:</p>
<li>On RHEL/CentOS, OpenBSD:</li>
<pre><code># cd /tmp
# wget
# cd /etc/openldap/schema/
# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak
# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /etc/openldap/schema/
# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
<li>On Debian/Ubuntu:</li>
<pre><code># cd /tmp
# wget
# cd /etc/ldap/schema/
# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak
# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /etc/ldap/schema/
# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
<li>On FreeBSD:</li>
<pre><code># cd /tmp
# wget
# cd /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/
# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak
# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/
# service slapd restart
<h3 id="restrict-mail-user-to-login-from-specified-ip-addresses-or-networks">Restrict mail user to login from specified IP addresses or networks</h3>
<p>With the latest LDAP schema file, it's able to restrict mail users to login
from specified IP/networks.</p>
<p>Open Dovecot config file <code>/etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf</code> (FreeBSD), append
<code>allowNets=allow_nets</code> in parameter <code>pass_attrs</code>. The final setting should be:</p>
<pre><code>pass_attrs = mail=user,userPassword=password,allowNets=allow_nets
<p>Restarting Dovecot service is required.</p>
<p>Sample usage: allow user <code></code> to login from IP <code></code>
and network <code></code>:
objectClass: mailUser
<p>To remove this restriction, just remove attribute <code>allowNets</code> for this user.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-not-backup-sogo-database">Fixed: not backup SOGo database</h3>
<p>Note: this step is not applicable if you don't use SOGo groupware.</p>
<p>Open backup script <code>/var/vmail/backup/</code>, append SOGo SQL
database name in variable <code>DATABASES=</code>. For example:</p>
<pre><code>DATABASES='... sogo'
<p>Save your change and that's all.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-drop-retired-column-in-amavisd-database-policyspam_modifies_subj">Fixed: drop retired column in Amavisd database: <code>policy.spam_modifies_subj</code></h3>
<p>Note: This is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7.0 and later releases.</p>
<p>Amavisd drops column <code>policy.spam_modifies_subj</code> since amavisd-new-2.7.0
release, we'd better remove this column.</p>
<p>Login to MySQL server as root user, then execute below SQL commands to drop it:</p>
<pre><code>mysql&gt; USE amavisd;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE policy DROP COLUMN spam_modifies_subj;
<h3 id="optional-bypass-greylisting-for-some-big-isps">[<strong>OPTIONAL</strong>] Bypass greylisting for some big ISPs</h3>
<p>ISPs' mail servers send out spams, but also normal business mails. Applying
greylisting on them is helpless.</p>
<li>Download SQL template file:</li>
<pre><code># cd /tmp
# wget
<li>Login to MySQL database and import this file:</li>
<pre><code>$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql&gt; USE cluebringer;
mysql&gt; SOURCE /tmp/greylisting-whitelist.sql;
<p>That's all.</p>
<h2 id="mysqlmariadb-backend-special">MySQL/MariaDB backend special</h2>
<h3 id="add-new-sql-column-in-vmail-database">Add new SQL column in <code>vmail</code> database</h3>
<p>We have a new SQL column <code>mailbox.allow_nets</code> in <code>vmail</code> database, it's used
to restrict mail users to login from specified IP addresses or networks,
multiple IP/nets must be separated by comma.</p>
<p>Connect to SQL server as MySQL root user, create new column:</p>
<pre><code>$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql&gt; USE vmail;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE mailbox ADD COLUMN `allow_nets` TEXT DEFAULT NULL;
<h3 id="restrict-mail-user-to-login-from-specified-ip-addresses-or-networks-and-apply-service-restriction-while-acting-as-sasl-server">Restrict mail user to login from specified IP addresses or networks, and apply service restriction while acting as SASL server</h3>
<p>With new SQL column <code>mailbox.allow_nets</code>, it's able to restrict mail users to
login from specified IP/networks. We have sample usage below.</p>
<p>With new service restriction, it's able to enable or disable smtp service for
mail users.</p>
<p>Open Dovecot config file <code>/etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-mysql.conf</code> (FreeBSD), then:</p>
<li>append <code>allow_nets</code> in parameter <code>password_query</code></li>
<li>append <code>AND enable%Ls%Lc=1</code> in <code>WHERE</code> statement</li>
<p>The final setting should be:</p>
<pre><code>password_query = SELECT password, allow_nets FROM mailbox WHERE username='%u' AND enable%Ls%Lc=1 AND active='1'
<p>Restarting Dovecot service is required.</p>
<p>Sample usage: allow user <code></code> to login from IP <code></code>
and network <code></code>:
<pre><code>sql&gt; USE vmail;
sql&gt; UPDATE mailbox SET allow_nets=',' WHERE username='`;
<p>To remove this restriction, just set <code>mailbox.allow_nets</code> to <code>NULL</code>, not empty string.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-userextensiondomaincom-doesnt-work-with-per-domain-catch-all">Fixed: doesn't work with per-domain catch-all</h3>
<p>With iRedMail-0.9.0 and earlier versions, if you have per-domain catch-all
enabled, email sent to <code></code> will be delivered to
catch-all address instead of <code></code>. Below steps fix this issue.</p>
<li>Open file <code>/etc/postfix/mysql/</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/postfix/mysql/</code> (FreeBSD), find below line:</li>
<pre><code>query = ... WHERE alias.address='%d' AND alias.address=domain.domain ...
<li>Append one more statement after <code>alias.address='%d'</code>, the final setting
should be:</li>
<pre><code>query = ... WHERE alias.address='%d' AND '%u' NOT LIKE '%%+%%' AND alias.address=domain.domain ...
<li>Save your change and restart Postfix service.</li>
<h3 id="fixed-not-backup-sogo-database_1">Fixed: not backup SOGo database</h3>
<p>Note: this step is not applicable if you don't use SOGo groupware.</p>
<p>Open backup script <code>/var/vmail/backup/</code>, append SOGo SQL
database name in variable <code>DATABASES=</code>. For example:</p>
<pre><code>DATABASES='... sogo'
<p>Save your change and that's all.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-drop-retired-column-in-amavisd-database-policyspam_modifies_subj_1">Fixed: drop retired column in Amavisd database: <code>policy.spam_modifies_subj</code></h3>
<p>Note: This is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7.0 and later releases.</p>
<p>Amavisd drops column <code>policy.spam_modifies_subj</code> since amavisd-new-2.7.0
release, we'd better remove this column.</p>
<p>Login to MySQL server as root user, then execute below SQL commands to drop it:</p>
<pre><code>mysql&gt; USE amavisd;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE policy DROP COLUMN spam_modifies_subj;
<h3 id="optional-bypass-greylisting-for-some-big-isps_1">[<strong>OPTIONAL</strong>] Bypass greylisting for some big ISPs</h3>
<p>ISPs' mail servers send out spams, but also normal business mails. Applying
greylisting on them is helpless.</p>
<li>Download SQL template file:</li>
<pre><code># cd /tmp
# wget
<li>Login to MySQL database and import this file:</li>
<pre><code>$ mysql -uroot -p
mysql&gt; USE cluebringer;
mysql&gt; SOURCE /tmp/greylisting-whitelist.sql;
<p>That's all.</p>
<h2 id="postgresql-backend-special">PostgreSQL backend special</h2>
<h3 id="add-new-sql-column-in-vmail-database_1">Add new SQL column in <code>vmail</code> database</h3>
<p>We have a new SQL column <code>mailbox.allow_nets</code> in <code>vmail</code> database, it's used
to restrict mail users to login from specified IP addresses or networks,
multiple IP/nets must be separated by comma.</p>
<p>Now connect to PostgreSQL server as admin user, create new column:</p>
<pre><code># su - postgres
$ psql -d vmail
sql&gt; ALTER TABLE mailbox ADD COLUMN allow_nets TEXT DEFAULT NULL;
<h3 id="restrict-mail-user-to-login-from-specified-ip-addresses-or-networks-and-apply-service-restriction-while-acting-as-sasl-server_1">Restrict mail user to login from specified IP addresses or networks, and apply service restriction while acting as SASL server</h3>
<p>With new SQL column <code>mailbox.allow_nets</code>, it's able to restrict mail users to
login from specified IP/networks. We have sample usage below.</p>
<p>With new service restriction, it's able to enable or disable smtp service for
mail users.</p>
<p>Open Dovecot config file <code>/etc/dovecot/dovecot-pgsql.conf</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot-pgsql.conf</code> (FreeBSD), then:</p>
<li>append <code>allow_nets</code> in parameter <code>password_query</code></li>
<li>append <code>AND enable%Ls%Lc=1</code> in <code>WHERE</code> statement</li>
<p>The final setting should be:</p>
<pre><code>password_query = SELECT password, allow_nets FROM mailbox WHERE username='%u' AND enable%Ls%Lc=1 AND active='1'
<p>Restarting Dovecot service is required.</p>
<p>Sample usage: allow user <code></code> to login from IP <code></code>
and network <code></code>:
<pre><code>sql&gt; \c vmail;
sql&gt; UPDATE mailbox SET allow_nets=',' WHERE username='`;
<p>To remove this restriction, just set <code>mailbox.allow_nets</code> to <code>NULL</code>, not empty string.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-userextensiondomaincom-doesnt-work-with-per-domain-catch-all_1">Fixed: doesn't work with per-domain catch-all</h3>
<p>With iRedMail-0.9.0 and earlier versions, if you have per-domain catch-all
enabled, email sent to <code></code> will be delivered to
catch-all address instead of <code></code>. Below steps fix this issue.</p>
<li>Open file <code>/etc/postfix/pgsql/</code> (Linux/OpenBSD) or
<code>/usr/local/etc/postfix/pgsql/</code> (FreeBSD), find below line:</li>
<pre><code>query = ... WHERE alias.address='%d' AND alias.address=domain.domain ...
<li>Append one more statement after <code>alias.address='%d'</code>, the final setting
should be:</li>
<pre><code>query = ... WHERE alias.address='%d' AND '%u' NOT LIKE '%%+%%' AND alias.address=domain.domain ...
<li>Save your change and restart Postfix service.</li>
<h3 id="fixed-not-backup-sogo-database_2">Fixed: not backup SOGo database</h3>
<p>Note: this step is not applicable if you don't use SOGo groupware.</p>
<p>Open backup script <code>/var/vmail/backup/</code>, append SOGo SQL
database name in variable <code>DATABASES=</code>. For example:</p>
<pre><code>DATABASES='... sogo'
<p>Save your change and that's all.</p>
<h3 id="fixed-drop-retired-column-in-amavisd-database-policyspam_modifies_subj_2">Fixed: drop retired column in Amavisd database: <code>policy.spam_modifies_subj</code></h3>
<p>Note: This is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7.0 and later releases.</p>
<p>Amavisd drops column <code>policy.spam_modifies_subj</code> since amavisd-new-2.7.0
release, we'd better remove this column.</p>
<p>Login to PostgreSQL server as admin user, then execute below SQL commands to drop it:</p>
<pre><code>sql&gt; \c amavisd;
sql&gt; ALTER TABLE policy DROP COLUMN spam_modifies_subj;
<h3 id="optional-bypass-greylisting-for-some-big-isps_2">[<strong>OPTIONAL</strong>] Bypass greylisting for some big ISPs</h3>
<p>ISPs' mail servers send out spams, but also normal business mails. Applying
greylisting on them is helpless.</p>
<li>Download SQL template file:</li>
<pre><code># cd /tmp
# wget
<p>Switch to PostgreSQL daemon user, then execute SQL commands to import it:</p>
<li>On Linux, PostgreSQL daemon user is <code>postgres</code>.</li>
<li>On FreeBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is <code>pgsql</code>.</li>
<li>On OpenBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is <code>_postgresql</code>.</li>
<pre><code># su - postgres
$ psql -d cluebringer
sql&gt; \i /tmp/greylisting-whitelist.sql;
<p>That's all.</p><div class="footer">
<p style="text-align: center; color: grey;">All documents are available in <a href="">BitBucket repository</a>, and published under <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons</a> license. You can <a href="">download the latest version</a> for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do <a href="">contact us</a> to fix it.</p>
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