Monitor incoming and outgoing mails with BCC

This tutorial describes how to configure your iRedMail server to monitor incoming and outgoing mails with BCC, via iRedAdmin-Pro or other tools.

Important notes:

Manage BCC settings with iRedAdmin-Pro

With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can configure BCC easily.

SQL: Manage BCC settings with SQL command line tools

We take MySQL backend for example, but the SQL commands should work with PostgreSQL too.

-- BCC outgoing emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO sender_bcc_domain (domain, bcc_address, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', 1, NOW());

-- BCC incoming emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO recipient_bcc_domain (domain, bcc_address, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', 1, NOW());
-- BCC outgoing emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO sender_bcc_user (username, bcc_address, domain, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', '', 1, NOW());

-- BCC incoming emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO recipient_bcc_user (username, bcc_address, domain, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', '', 1, NOW());

LDAP: Manage BCC settings with phpLDAPadmin or other LDAP client tools

# per-domain sender bcc

# per-domain recipient bcc
# per-domain sender bcc

# per-domain recipient bcc

Screenshot of iRedAdmin-Pro

Per-domain bcc settings:

Per-user bcc settings:

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