# Upgrade iRedMail from 0.7.3 to 0.7.4 [TOC] > We provide remote upgrade service, check [the price](../support.html) and [contact us](../contact.html). ## General (All backends should apply these upgrade steps) ### Fix incorrect per-user sieve_dir setting in Dovecot __Note__: This fix is applicable to Dovecot-1.x, you can check Dovecot version with command `dovecot -n`. In `/etc/dovecot.conf` or `/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf`, remove the last slash (`/`) in setting `sieve_dir =` like below: ``` # Part of file: dovecot.conf # Original setting: #sieve_dir = /var/vmail/sieve/%Ld/%Ln/ # Change to: sieve_dir = /var/vmail/sieve/%Ld/%Ln # <-- Remove the last slash. ``` ### Add indexes for Amavisd database ``` $ mysql -uroot -p mysql> USE amavisd; mysql> ALTER TABLE maddr ADD INDEX maddr_idx_email (email); mysql> ALTER TABLE maddr ADD INDEX maddr_idx_domain (domain); mysql> ALTER TABLE msgs ADD INDEX msgs_idx_content (content); mysql> ALTER TABLE msgs ADD INDEX msgs_idx_content_time_num (content, time_num); mysql> ALTER TABLE msgs ADD INDEX msgs_idx_mail_id (mail_id); mysql> ALTER TABLE quarantine ADD INDEX quar_idx_mail_id (mail_id); ``` ### [Debian and Ubuntu special] Assign Apache daemon user to group `adm` __Note__: This fix is applicable to only Debian and Ubuntu. Assign Apache daemon user to group `adm` to avoid Awstats cron job issue. ``` # usermod -g adm www-data ``` ## OpenLDAP backend special ### Fix incorrect calculation of mailbox quota There's a bug in iRedMail-0.7.3 and all earlier versions: Mailbox quota gets calculated per user and per user alias account, so both email addresses get their own mailbox quota usage. Here's the solution to fix it. * Open `/etc/dovecot-ldap.conf` (on RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux) or `/etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf` (on Debian/Ubuntu/openSUSE) or `/usr/local/etc/dovecot-ldap.conf` (on FreeBSD), prepend `mail=user,` in both `user_attrs =` and `pass_attrs =` like below: ``` # Part of file: dovecot-ldap.conf # Original settings: #pass_attrs = userPassword=password #user_attrs = homeDirectory=home,[...OMIT OTHER SETTINGS HERE...] # Changed: pass_attrs = mail=user,userPassword=password user_attrs = mail=user,homeDirectory=home,[...OMIT OTHER SETTINGS HERE...] ``` Restarting Dovecot service is required. ## MySQL backend special ### Store realtime mailbox quota usage in seperate SQL table In iRedMail-0.7.3 and some earlier versions, Dovecot stores realtime mailbox quota usage in MySQL database in two columns: `mailbox.bytes`, `mailbox.messages`, if they have invalid values (e.g. empty value, non-integer value), Dovecot will update them with two SQL commands: 1. delete record with SQL: `DELETE FROM mailbox WHERE username='xxx@yyy.com'` 1. create a new record with current, correct quota info. SQL: `INSERT INTO mailbox (username, bytes, messages) VALUES ('xxx@yyy.com', xx, xx)` As you can see, first sql command will delete iRedMail mail user, that's critial issue. So we have to store realtime mailbox quota usage in a separate MySQL table to avoid similar issues. Below are steps to store realtime mailbox quota usage in a separate SQL table: * Create new SQL table `vmail.used_quota` to store real-time mailbox quota and drop unused SQL columns: `mailbox.bytes`, `mailbox.messages`: ``` # mysql -uroot -p mysql> USE vmail; mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `used_quota` ( `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, `bytes` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `messages` BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY (`username`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; mysql> ALTER TABLE mailbox DROP COLUMN bytes; mysql> ALTER TABLE mailbox DROP COLUMN messages; ``` * Replace `table = mailbox` with `table = used_quota` in below config file, so that Dovecot will store mailbox quota in new SQL table. * On RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 5.x, please update `/etc/dovecot-used-quota.conf`, on 6.x, please update `/etc/dovecot/used-quota.conf`. * On Debian/Ubuntu, please update `/etc/dovecot/dovecot-used-quota.conf`. * On openSUSE, please update `/etc/dovecot/dovecot-used-quota.conf`. * On FreeBSD, please update `/usr/local/etc/dovecot-used-quota.conf`. * Restarting Dovecot service is required.