# Performance tuning [TOC] If you're running a busy mail server (many inbound/outbound emails every day), you can follow below suggestions for better performance. ### Setup a DNS server in LAN or localhost to cache DNS queries Mail services __heavily__ rely on DNS service and perform many many DNS queries, a cache DNS server in LAN or localhost helps __A LOT__: * It speeds up DNS queries. This helps a lot. * It reduces DNS queries to DNSBL servers, so that you can continue using their excellent service without exceeding the max query limit. ### Enable postscreen service to help reduce spam * [Enable postscreen service](./enable.postscreen.html) If you don't want to use postscreen service, you can [enable DNSBL service](./enable.dnsbl.html) instead, it helps a lot too. Although both `postscreen` and pure DNSBL services uses the same DNSBL servers, but `postscreen` offers additional solutions to reduce spam, so postscreen is better. postscreen and DNSBL service help catch a lot spam before putting the spams in local mail queue, so they save much system resource. ### Update Amavisd + Postfix config files to process more emails concurrently * [Process more emails concurrently](./concurrent.processing.html)