iRedAdmin-Pro: RESTful API



iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL-2.7.0, iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP-2.9.0


iRedAdmin-Pro RESTful API will return message in JSON format.


This document is applicable to the latest iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP-2.7.0 and iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL-2.5.0.

Enable RESTful API

RESTful API is disabled by default, to enable it, please add setting below in iRedAdmin-Pro config file


To restrict API access to few IP addresses, please also add settings below in iRedAdmin-Pro config file:

# Enable restriction

# List all IP addresses of allowed client for API access.

Restarting Apache or uwsgi (if you're running Nginx) is required.

Sample code to interact with iRedAdmin-Pro RESTful API




POST /api/login Login with an admin username (full email address) and password Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
username Admin username. Must be a full email address.
password (Plain) admin password. password=AsTr0ng@


GET /api/domain/<domain> Get profile of an existing domain

POST /api/domain/<domain> Create a new domain Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Short description of this domain name. e.g. company name name=Google Inc
quota Per-domain mailbox quota, in MB. quota=2048
language Default preferred language for newly created mail user language=en_US
transport Transport program transport=dovecot
defaultQuota Default per-user mailbox quota for newly created user, in MB. defaultQuota=1024
maxUserQuota Max mailbox quota of a mail user, in MB. maxUserQuota=2048
numberOfUsers Max number of mail user accounts numberOfUsers=20
numberOfAliases Max number of mail alias accounts numberOfAliases=30
numberOfLists Max number of mailing list accounts (Available in LDAP backends) numberOfLists=40
senderBcc Per-domain sender bcc
recipientBcc Per-domain recipient bcc

DELETE /api/domain/<domain> Delete an existing domain (all mail messages will NOT be removed)

DELETE /api/domain/<domain>/keep_mailbox_days/<number> Delete domain, and keep all mail messages for given days

PUT /api/domain/<domain> Update profile of an existing domain Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Short description of this domain name. e.g. company name name=Google Inc
accountStatus Enable or disable domain. Possible values: active, disabled. accountStatus=active
quota Mailbox quota for whole domain, in MB. quota=2048
language Default preferred language for newly created mail user language=en_US
transport Transport program transport=dovecot
minPasswordLength Minimal password length minPasswordLength=8
maxPasswordLength Maximum password length minPasswordLength=20
defaultQuota Default per-user mailbox quota for newly created user defaultQuota=1024
maxUserQuota Max mailbox quota of a mail user maxUserQuota=2048
numberOfUsers Max number of mail user accounts numberOfUsers=20
numberOfAliases Max number of mail alias accounts numberOfAliases=30
senderBcc Per-domain sender bcc address
recipientBcc Per-domain recipient bcc address
is_backupmx Mark domain as Backup MX. Must be used with parameter primarymx. Conflicts with parameter transport. is_backupmx=yes (or no)
primarymx Hostname or IP address of primary MX, smtp port number is optional. Must be used with parameter is_backupmx. Conflicts with parameter transport. primarymx=, primarymx=[]:25
catchall Per-domain catch-all account (a list of email addresses used to receive emails sent to non-existing addresses under same domain). Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. Set an empty value to disable catch-all support., or catchall= (disable catch-all)
outboundRelay Per-domain outbound relay. Set an empty value to disable outbound relay. outboundRelay=smtp:[]:25 or outboundRelay= (disable outbound relay)
enableService Enable new services. Multiple services must be separated by comma. Available services are listed below. enableService=self-service
disableService Disable existing services. Multiple services must be separated by comma. Available services are listed below. disableService=self-service
removeAllServices Disable all services (including mail service) removeAllServices= (empty value)
disableDomainProfile disable given domain profiles. Normal admin cannot view and update disabled profiles in domain profile page. Available domain profiles are listed below. disableDomainProfile=bcc,relay,aliases
enableDomainProfile enable given domain profiles. Normal admin can view and update disabled profiles in domain profile page. Available domain profiles are listed below. enableDomainProfile=bcc,relay,aliases
disableUserProfile disable given user profiles. Normal admin cannot view and update disabled profiles in user profile page. Available user profiles are listed below. disableUserProfile=bcc,relay,aliases
enableUserProfile enable given domain profiles. Normal admin can view and update disabled profiles in user profile page. Available user profiles are listed below. enableUserProfile=bcc,relay,aliases
disableUserPreference disable given user preferences in self-service page. Normal mail user cannot view and update disabled preferences. Available user preferences are listed below. disableUserPreference=forwarding,wblist
enableUserPreference disable given user preferences in self-service page. Normal mail user can view and update disabled preferences. Available user preferences are listed below. enableUserProfile=forwarding,wblist

Available mail services:

Profile Comment
self-service Enable self-service for the mail domain.
mail All mail services. (LDAP backends only)
domainalias Alias domain support. (LDAP backends only)
senderbcc Per-domain sender bcc. (LDAP backends only)
recipientbcc Per-domain recipient bcc. (LDAP backends only)

Available domain profiles:

Profile Comment
bcc Per-domain sender bcc and recipient bcc
relay Per-domain inbound relay and outbound relay
catchall Per-domain catchall account
aliases Alias domains
throttle Per-domain inbound and outbound throttling
greylisting Per-domain greylisting service
wblist Per-domain whitelists and blacklists
spampolicy Per-domain spam policy
backupmx Backup MX
advanced Some extra settings

Available user profiles:

Profile Comment
bcc Per-user sender bcc and recipient bcc
forwarding Per-user mail forwarding addresses
relay Per-user inbound relay and outbound relay
aliases Per-user alias addresses
throttle Per-user inbound and outbound throttling
greylisting Per-user greylisting service
wblist Per-user whitelists and blacklists
spampolicy Per-user spam policy

Available user preferences (self-service):

Profile Comment
personal_info Name, time zone, preferred language of web UI
forwarding Per-user mail forwarding addresses
wblist Per-user whitelists and blacklists
quarantine Manage quarantined mails
rcvd_mails View basic info of received mails, and whitelist/blacklist mail sender directly.
spampolicy Per-user spam policy

PUT /api/domain/admins/<domain> Manage normal domain admins. Parameters


Normal domain admin can only promote mail users under managed domains to be a domain admin.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
addAdmin Add new domain admins. Multiple services must be separated by comma.,
removeAdmin Remove existing domain admins. Multiple services must be separated by comma.,
removeAllAdmins Remove all existing domain admins. removeAllAdmins= (empty value)

Domain Admin


GET /api/admin/<mail> Get profile of an existing domain admin

POST /api/admin/<mail> Create a new domain admin Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My Admin Name
password Password password=AsTr0ng@
accountStatus Enable or disable account. Possible values: active, disabled. accountStatus=active
language Preferred language of iRedAdmin web UI language=en_US
isGlobalAdmin Mark this admin as global admin isGlobalAdmin=yes

Below parameters are used by normal domain admin (isGlobalAdmin=no). With isGlobalAdmin=yes, these parameters will be discarded.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
maxDomains how many mail domains this admin can create maxDomains=5
maxQuota how much mailbox quota this admin can create. Quota is shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. Must be used with parameter quotaUnit. Sample: 10TB, 20GB, 100MB. maxQuota=2
quotaUnit Quota unit used by maxQuota parameter. Must be used with parameter maxQuota. Possible values: TB, GB, MB. quotaUnit=TB
maxUsers how many mail users this admin can create. It's shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. maxUsers=100
maxAliases how many mail aliases this admin can create. It's shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. maxAliases=200
maxLists how many mailing lists this admin can create. It's shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. maxLists=300

DELETE /api/admin/<mail> Delete an existing domain admin

PUT /api/admin/<mail> Update profile of an existing domain admin Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My Admin Name
password Password password=AsTr0ng@
accountStatus Enable or disable account. Possible values: active, disabled. accountStatus=active
language Preferred language of iRedAdmin web UI language=en_US
isGlobalAdmin Mark this admin as global admin isGlobalAdmin=yes

Below parameters are used by normal domain admin (isGlobalAdmin=no). With isGlobalAdmin=yes, these parameters will be discarded.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
maxDomains how many mail domains this admin can create maxDomains=5
maxQuota how much mailbox quota this admin can create. Quota is shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. Must be used with parameter quotaUnit. Sample: 10TB, 20GB, 100MB. maxQuota=2
quotaUnit Quota unit used by maxQuota parameter. Must be used with parameter maxQuota. Possible values: TB, GB, MB. quotaUnit=TB
maxUsers how many mail users this admin can create. It's shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. maxUsers=100
maxAliases how many mail aliases this admin can create. It's shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. maxAliases=200
maxLists how many mailing lists this admin can create. It's shared by all domains created/managed by this admin. maxLists=300

POST /api/verify_password/admin/<mail> Verify given (plain) password against the one stored in SQL/LDAP Parameters


Password verification is limited to global domain admin.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
password Plain password password=u0tBF82cIV@vi8Gme

Mail User

GET /api/user/<mail> Get profile of an existing mail user

POST /api/user/<mail> Create a new mail user Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My New Name
password Password password=AsTr0ng@
language Preferred language of iRedAdmin web UI language=en_US
quota Mailbox quota (in MB) quota=1024

DELETE /api/user/<mail> Delete an existing mail user

DELETE /api/user/<mail>/keep_mailbox_days/<number> Delete an existing mail user, and keep the mailbox for given days. Defaults to 100 years.

PUT /api/user/<mail> Update profile of an existing mail user Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My New Name
password Password password=u0tBF82cIV@vi8Gme
quota Mailbox quota (in MB) quota=1024
accountStatus Enable or disable user. Possible values: active, disabled. accountStatus=active
language Preferred language of iRedAdmin web UI language=en_US
employeeid User ID (or Employee Number) employeeid=My Employee ID
transport Transport program transport=dovecot
forwarding Per-user mail forwarding. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. To save an email copy in mailbox, add original email address as one of forwarding addresses.,,
aliases Per-user alias addresses. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. If empty, all per-user alias addresses owned by this user will be removed. Conflicts with parameter addAlias and removeAlias.,,
addAlias Add new per-user alias addresses. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. Conflicts with parameter aliases.,,
removeAlias Remove existing per-user alias addresses. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. Conflicts with parameter aliases.,,

POST /api/user/<mail>/change_email/<new_mail> Change user's email address (from '<mail>' to '<new_mail>')

PUT /api/users/<domain> Update profiles of all users under domain Parameters

Parameter Comment
accountStatus Account status. Possible value is: active, disabled.
password Password
language Preferred language of iRedAdmin web UI
transport Per-user transport

POST /api/verify_password/user/<mail> Verify given (plain) password against the one stored in SQL/LDAP Parameters


Password verification is limited to global domain admin.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
password Plain password password=u0tBF82cIV@vi8Gme

Mailing List


Mailing list is only available in OpenLDAP backend. For SQL backends, please use mail alias account as mailing list.

GET /api/maillist/<mail> Get profile of an existing mailing list account

POST /api/maillist/<mail> Create a new mailing list Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My List Name
accessPolicy Defines who can send email to this mail alias account accessPolicy=public
members Members of mailing list. Multiple members must be separated by comma.,

DELETE /api/maillist/<mail> Delete an existing mailing list

PUT /api/maillist/<mail> Update profile of an existing mailing list Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name display name name=My List Name
accessPolicy Defines who can send email to this mailing list accessPolicy=public
members Members of mailing list. Multiple members must be separated by comma. Conflict with parameter addMember and removeMember.,
addMember Add new members of mailing list. Multiple members must be separated by comma. Conflict with parameter members.,
removeMember Remove existing members of mailing list. Multiple members must be separated by comma. Conflict with parameter members.,

Mail Alias

GET /api/alias/<mail> Get profile of an existing mail alias

POST /api/alias/<mail> Create a new mail alias Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My List Name
accessPolicy Defines who can send email to this mail alias account accessPolicy=public
members Members of mail alias. Multiple members must be separated by comma.,


accessPolicy for mail alias account is only available for SQL backends.

DELETE /api/alias/<mail> Delete an existing mail alias

PUT /api/alias/<mail> Update profile of an existing mail alias Parameters


accessPolicy for mail alias account is only available for SQL backends.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
name Display name name=My List Name
accessPolicy Defines who can send email to this mail alias account accessPolicy=public
members Members of mail alias. Multiple members must be separated by comma. Conflict with parameter addMember and removeMember.,
addMember Add new members of mail alias. Multiple members must be separated by comma. Conflict with parameter members.,
removeMember Remove existing members of mail alias. Multiple members must be separated by comma. Conflict with parameter members.,

POST /api/alias/<mail>/change_email/<new_mail> Change email address of alias account (from '<mail>' to '<new_mail>')

Spam Policy

GET /api/spampolicy/global Get global spam policy

GET /api/spampolicy/domain/<domain> Get per-domain spam policy

GET /api/spampolicy/user/<mail> Get per-user spam policy

DELETE /api/spampolicy/global Delete global spam policy

DELETE /api/spampolicy/domain/<domain> Delete per-domain spam policy

DELETE /api/spampolicy/user/<mail> Delete per-user spam policy

PUT /api/spampolicy/global Set global spam policy Parameters

PUT /api/spampolicy/domain/<domain> Set per-domain spam policy Parameters

PUT /api/spampolicy/user/<mail> Set per-user spam policy Parameters

Parameters available for global, per-domain, per-user spam policies.

Per-user policy has the highest priority, then per-domain policy, then global policy.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
bypass_spam_checks Bypass spam checks bypass_spam_checks=yes (default is no)
bypass_virus_checks Bypass virus checks bypass_virus_checks=yes (default is no)
bypass_banned_checks Bypass banned file type checks bypass_banned_checks=yes (default is no)
bypass_header_checks Bypass bad header checks bypass_header_checks=yes (default is no)
quarantine_spam Quarantine detected spam into SQL database quarantine_spam=yes (default is no)
quarantine_virus Quarantine detected virus into SQL database quarantine_virus=no (default is yes)
quarantine_banned Quarantine email with banned file type into SQL database quarantine_banned=yes (default is no)
quarantine_bad_header Quarantine email with bad header into SQL database quarantine_bad_header=yes (default is no)
prefix_spam_in_subject Prefix string [SPAM] in mail subject if it's spam prefix_spam_in_subject=yes (default is no)
always_insert_x_spam_headers Always insert X-Spam-* headers in email. It contains spam score and matched SpamAssassin rules. Don't enable this unless you want to debug spam checking. always_insert_x_spam_headers=yes (default is no)
spam_score Set a preferred spam score, if scanned email has higher score than this one, it will be marked as spam. spam_score=4 (defaults to use system setting defined in Amavisd config file.)


GET /api/throttle/global/inbound Get global inbound throttle settings

POST /api/throttle/global/inbound Set global inbound throttle settings Parameters

GET /api/throttle/global/outbound Get global outbound throttle settings

POST /api/throttle/global/outbound Set global inbound throttle settings Parameters

GET /api/throttle/<domain>/inbound Get domain inbound throttle settings

POST /api/throttle/<domain>/inbound Set domain inbound throttle settings Parameters

GET /api/throttle/<domain>/outbound Get domain outbound throttle settings

POST /api/throttle/<domain>/outbound Set domain outbound throttle settings Parameters

GET /api/throttle/<mail>/inbound Get user inbound throttle settings

POST /api/throttle/<mail>/inbound Set user inbound throttle settings Parameters

GET /api/throttle/<mail>/outbound Get user outbound throttle settings

POST /api/throttle/<mail>/outbound Set user outbound throttle settings Parameters

Parameters available for global, per-domain, per-user throttle settings.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
period * Period of time, in seconds period=3600 (one hour)
msg_size Max size of single email, in bytes msg_size=10485760 (10 MB)
max_msgs Number of max inbound emails max_msgs=20 (up to 20 messages)
max_quota Cumulative size of inbound or outbound emails, in bytes max_quota=1048576000 (1 GB)


GET /api/greylisting/all Get all existing greylisting settings

GET /api/greylisting/global Get global greylisting setting

GET /api/greylisting/<domain> Get per-domain greylisting setting

GET /api/greylisting/<mail> Get per-user greylisting setting

POST /api/greylisting/global Set global greylisting setting Parameters

POST /api/greylisting/<domain> Set per-domain greylisting setting Parameters

POST /api/greylisting/<mail> Set per-user greylisting setting Parameters

Parameters available for global, per-domain and per-user greylisting settings.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
status Explicitly enable or disable greylisting service. status=enable (or disable)

DELETE /api/greylisting/global Delete global greylisting setting

DELETE /api/greylisting/<domain> Delete per-domain greylisting setting

DELETE /api/greylisting/<mail> Delete per-user greylisting setting

GET /api/greylisting/global/whitelists Get globally whitelisted senders for greylisting service

GET /api/greylisting/<domain>/whitelists Get whitelisted senders for greylisting service for specified domain

GET /api/greylisting/<mail>/whitelists Get whitelisted senders for greylisting service for specified user

POST /api/greylisting/global/whitelists Whitelist senders for greylisting service globally Parameters

POST /api/greylisting/<domain>/whitelists Whitelist senders for greylisting service for specified domain Parameters

POST /api/greylisting/<mail>/whitelists Whitelist senders for greylisting services for specified user Parameters

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
whitelistSenders Reset whitelisted senders for global greylisting service to given senders. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. Conflicts with parameter addWhitelistSender and removeWhitelistSender. whitelistSenders=,,
addWhitelistSenders Whitelist new senders for greylisting service globally. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. Conflicts with parameter whitelistSenders. addWhitelistSender=,
removeWhitelistSenders Remove existing whitelisted senders for greylisting service globally. Multiple addresses must be separated by comma. Conflicts with parameter whitelistSenders. removeWhitelistSender=,

Valid sender address formats:

Sender Address Comment Single IP address CIDR network Single email address Entire domain Entire domain and all its sub-domains

POST /api/greylisting/whitelist_spf_domains Whitelist IP addresses and networks listed in SPF/MX DNS record of given sender domains for greylisting service globally Parameters

Given sender domain names are not used directly while checking whitelisting, instead, there's a cron job to query SPF and MX DNS records of given sender domains, then whitelist the IP addresses/networks listed in DNS records.

Multiple domains must be separated by comma.

Parameter Summary Sample Usage
domains Reset whitelisted sender domains for global greylisting service to given sender domains. Conflicts with parameters addDomains and removeDomains.,
addDomains Add new whitelist sender domains for global greylisting service. Conflicts with parameter domains.,
removeDomains Remove existing whitelisted sender domains for global greylisting service. Conflicts with parameter domains.,

Export Accounts

LDIF (LDAP backend only)

GET /api/ldif/domain/<domain> Export domain to LDIF

GET /api/ldif/catchall/<domain> Export per-domain catch-all account to LDIF

GET /api/ldif/admin/<mail> Export (separated) domain admin to LDIF

GET /api/ldif/user/<mail> Export mail user to LDIF

GET /api/ldif/maillist/<mail> Export mailing list account to LDIF

GET /api/ldif/alias/<mail> Export mail alias account to LDIF