# Migrate or upgrade iRedAdmin [TOC] !!! note "Paid Remote Upgrade Support" We offer remote upgrade support if you don't want to get your hands dirty, check [the details](https://www.iredmail.org/support.html) and [contact us](https://www.iredmail.org/contact.html). This tutorial describes how to update or migrate iRedAdmin (either open source edition or old iRedAdmin-Pro release) to the latest iRedAdmin release (again, either open source edition or iRedAdmin-Pro). ## Requirements 1. The latest iRedAdmin-Pro always requires the latest iRedMail stable release, so you __MUST__ upgrade iRedMail to the latest stable release before upgrading iRedAdmin-Pro. * If you run the latest iRedAdmin-Pro with old iRedMail release, you may get error due to missing some required ldap attribute/value pairs (OpenLDAP backend), or missing some required SQL columns. * If you run the latest iRedMail with old iRedAdmin-Pro, you may get error due to missing dropped SQL columns, or created accounts may miss some properties required by the latest iRedMail. 1. You __MUST__ have iRedAdmin open source edition or old iRedAdmin-Pro release installed and running on your server before upgrading. ## Download the latest iRedAdmin * iRedAdmin open source edition is available for download [here](https://dl.iredmail.org/yum/misc/). * iRedAdmin-Pro customers can get download link of new release by following steps below: * Login to iRedAdmin-Pro as global admin. * Click `License` button on the top-right corner. it will show you basic license info and a `Download` button if new version is available. * Click `Download` button, your mailbox (license owner) will receive an email with download link in a short time. Note: if your mail server has greylisting enabled, it may take longer, please be patient and don't request download link again and again. If you cannot download iRedAdmin-Pro for some reason, please [contact us](https://www.iredmail.org/contact.html). ## Upgrade Steps * Upload or copy the latest iRedAdmin to your server which has iRedAdmin open source edition or old iRedAdmin-Pro release running. We assume you uploaded it to `/root/iRedAdmin-x.y.z.tar.bz2` (`x.y.z` is a placeholder of the version number). * Uncompress and upgrade iRedAdmin: !!! warning Do not rename the extracted directory (`iRedAdmin-x.y.z`), otherwise upgrade may fail. ``` # cd /root/ # tar xjf iRedAdmin-x.y.z.tar.bz2 # cd iRedAdmin-x.y.z/tools/ # bash upgrade_iredadmin.sh ``` That's all. If it doesn't work for you, please post a new topic in our [online support forum](https://forum.iredmail.org/). ## Additional steps * To quarantine SPAM/Virus into SQL database and manage them with iRedAdmin-Pro, please follow this tutorial to update Amavisd settings: [Quarantining SPAM and Virus emails into SQL database](./quarantining.html) * To manage white/blacklist with iRedAdmin-Pro, please enable per-recipient policy lookup in Amavisd, and enable plugin `amavisd_wblist` in iRedAPD config file (`/opt/iredapd/settings.py`, parameter `plugins =`): [Amavisd: Enable per-recipient policy lookup](./amavisd.per-recipient.policy.lookup.html) Note: Cluebringer still provides white/blacklists, but iRedAdmin-Pro doesn't manage them anymore after iRedMail-0.9.0 release. So please migrate Cluebringer white/blacklists to Amavisd database by following this [forum post](https://forum.iredmail.org/post35480.html#p35480).