#!/usr/bin/env bash # Author: Zhang Huangbin # Purpose: Convert markdown articles to HTML files. # TODO # - describe the directory structure and how it works # - remove '1-', '2-' in html file name # - incorrect CSS path in article html file # - better way to strip prefix in dir/file name: [number]- # Directory used to store converted html files. PWD="." SOURCE_DIR="${PWD}/src" OUTPUT_DIR="${PWD}/html" INDEX_MD="${OUTPUT_DIR}/index.md" [ -d ${OUTPUT_DIR} ] || mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR} CMD_CONVERT="python ${PWD}/tools/markdown2html.py" strip_name_prefix() { name="${1}" name="$(echo ${name/#\.\//})" # ./filename name="$(echo ${name/#[0-9][0-9][0-9]-/})" # nnn- name="$(echo ${name/#[0-9][0-9]-/})" # nn- name="$(echo ${name/#[0-9]-/})" # n- echo "${name}" } # Get directories of chapters all_chapter_dirs="$(find . -d 1 -type d -iname '[0-9]*' | sort)" echo "* Found chapters:" for dl in ${all_chapter_dirs}; do echo " - $dl" done # Get chapter info # - title: _title.md # - summary: _summary.md echo '' > ${INDEX_MD} for chapter_dir in ${all_chapter_dirs}; do # Get articles all_chapter_articles="$(find ${chapter_dir} -depth 1 -type f -iname '[0-9a-z]*.md')" echo "* ${chapter_dir} articles:" for article in ${all_chapter_articles}; do echo " - ${article}" done # Output directory. # Remove prefix '[number]-' in chapter directory name. chapter_dir_in_article="$(strip_name_prefix ${chapter_dir})" _output_chapter_dir="${OUTPUT_DIR}/${chapter_dir_in_article}" _title_md="${chapter_dir}/_title.md" _summary_md="${chapter_dir}/_summary.md" if [ -f ${_title_md} ]; then # generate index info of chapter echo "# $(cat ${_title_md})" >> ${INDEX_MD} if [ -f ${_summary_md} ]; then echo -e "\n\n" >> ${INDEX_MD} echo "$(cat ${_title_md})" >> ${INDEX_MD} echo -e "\n\n" >> ${INDEX_MD} fi fi mkdir -p ${_output_chapter_dir} &>/dev/null # Create ${_output_chapter_dir}/_summary.html if [ -f ${_summary_md} ]; then ${CMD_CONVERT} ${_summary_md} ${_output_chapter_dir} fi # Article info: # - title: first line (without '#') of markdown file for article_file in ${all_chapter_articles}; do article_file_basename="$(basename ${article_file})" article_html_file="$(strip_name_prefix ${article_file_basename})" # Replace '.md' suffix by '.html' article_html_file="$(echo ${article_html_file/%.md/.html})" # Get title. _article_title="$(head -1 ${article_file} | awk -F'#' '{print $2}')" #echo "article title: ${_article_title}" echo "* [${_article_title}](${chapter_dir_in_article}/${article_html_file})" >> ${INDEX_MD} ${CMD_CONVERT} ${article_file} ${_output_chapter_dir} done done #cd ${OUTPUT_DIR} # Generate index.html ${CMD_CONVERT} ${INDEX_MD} ${OUTPUT_DIR} css='../css/markdown.css' # Cleanup rm -f ${INDEX_MD}