Preparations for using Microsoft Active Directory as iRedMail backend


To query mail accounts against Microsoft Active Directory, we need a LDAP user account which can query the Active Directory.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to

This tutorial has been tested on Windows Server 2012, but it should work for all Windows Server versions.

Create read-only account: vmail

Grant privileges

We need to grant vmail user required privileges.

In the Active Directory Users and Computers window, right click your AD domian name (in our example it's, and select Delegate Control....

Create read-write account: vmailadmin

This account is used to manage mail accounts.

Grant privileges

Account vmailadmin has been created, we need to grant it more privileges than vmail user.

In the Active Directory Users and Computers window, right click your AD domian and select Delegate Control.... In this example, it's domain,

Store passwords on your iRedMail server

iRedMail Cloud Deployment Platform does not store any password on its servers, instead, it reads passwords from different files which are stored under /root/.iredmail/kv/ on YOUR server. So you need to create few files to store vmail and vmailadmin account passwords on the iRedMail server you're going to integrate with Active Directory.

Please login to your iRedMail server first, then: