Force Dovecot to recalculate mailbox quota


Dovecot provides command line tool doveadm to recalcuate mailbox quota. Sample usage:

# doveadm quota recalc -u
# doveadm quota recalc -A

Reference: Doveadm-Quota

Dovecot-1.x and Dovecot-2.x

iRedMail enables dict quota since iRedMail-0.7.0, dict quota is recalculated only if the quota goes below zero.

mysql> USE vmail;
mysql> DELETE FROM used_quota WHERE username='';
mysql> USE iredadmin;
mysql> DELETE FROM used_quota WHERE username='';

Re-login via POP3/IMAP (or webmail) will trigger Dovecot to recalculate mailbox quota.

TIP: it's safe to delete records in SQL table used_quota if mail user was deleted in table vmail.mailbox or LDAP. iRedAdmin-Pro will handle this for you automatically.

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