# Change per-user mailbox format (e.g. maildir, mdbox) iRedMail uses `maildir` mailbox format by default, it's easy to migrate and maintain, but if mailbox size is growing, the performance will be getting slower due to too much disk I/O. Dovecot's own mailbox format `mdbox` has very good performance for large mailbox due to reduced disk I/O. You may want to switch to other mailbox format for some reason. To help you switch easily, iRedMail-0.9.9 introduces 2 new SQL columns (for SQL backends) and LDAP attributes (for LDAP backends) to help you switch per-user mailbox format easily. All [mailbox formats supported by Dovecot]https://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailboxFormat) is supported in iRedMail. !!! attention * If you're running an iRedMail release earlier than iRedMail-0.9.9, you can upgrade it by following [iRedMail upgrade tutorials](./iredmail.releases.html). * iRedAdmin-Pro RESTful API interface supports changing mailbox format too. Check its [API document](./iredadmin-pro.restful.api.html) (expand all parameters and search 'mailboxformat' or `mailboxFormat`). !!! warning - Changing mailbox format does not migrate existing mailbox for you. You have to migrate it __BEFORE__ switching to new mailbox format, then update SQL/LDAP data to use new mailbox format right after migrated the mailbox. - New mailbox format will be used by Dovecot immediately after SQL/LDAP change. ## SQL backends You can switch to different mailbox format with SQL commands below. We use MySQL for example here. ``` USE vmail; UPDATE mailbox SET mailboxformat='mdbox', mailboxfolder='mdbox' where username="user@your-domain.com"; ``` * Value of `mailboxfolder` can be any folder name supported by Linux/BSD file system, but value of `mailboxformat` must be one of the formats supported by Dovecot, e.g. maildir, sdbox, mdbox. * Value of `mailboxfolder` can not be same as previously used one, otherwise old mailbox will be messed up when Dovecot delivers new email. ## LDAP backends You need some LDAP management tool like [phpLDAPadmin](http://phpldapadmin.sourceforge.net/), [Apache Directory Studio](https://directory.apache.org/studio/), or command line tool `ldapvi` (you can install it with `yum` or `apt-get` command directly) to update mail user's LDIF data. ``` mailboxFormat: mdbox mailboxFolder: mdbox ``` * Value of `mailboxFolder` can be any folder name supported by Linux/BSD file system, but value of `mailboxFormat` must be one of the formats supported by Dovecot, e.g. maildir, sdbox, mdbox. * Value of `mailboxfolder` can not be same as previously used one, otherwise old mailbox will be messed up when Dovecot delivers new email. * With iRedMail-0.9.9, if attribute `mailboxFormat` and `mailboxFolder` don't present in user LDAP object, Dovecot is configured to use `maildir` as default mailbox format and `Maildir` (case-sensitive) as folder name.