LDAP: Add an alias domain

What an alias domain is used for?

Let's say you have a mail domain example.com hosted on your iRedMail server, if you add domain name domain.ltd as an alias domain of example.com, all emails sent to username@domain.ltd will be delivered to user username@example.com's mailbox.

Add alias domain with iRedAdmin-Pro

With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can simply add alias domain name in domain profile page, under tab Aliases.


How to add an alias domain with phpLDAPadmin:

Now you should add addition mail address for all mail users, lists, aliases. For example, if you have mail user user@example.com, you should add addition email address user@domain.ltd for this user. Steps:

If you have several mail accounts (mail users, lists, aliases), you have to add addition email address for them all.