"""Convert Markdown to HTML file. Required Markdown module: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown/2.1.1 """ # Usage: # shell> python markdown2html.py path/to/file.md path/to/output/dir import sys import commands import web import markdown # Markdown extensions MD_EXTENSIONS = ['toc', 'meta', 'extra', 'footnotes', ] # Get file name filename = sys.argv[1] # Get file name without file extension filename_without_ext = filename.split('/')[-1].replace('.md', '') # Get output directory output_dir = sys.argv[2] # Set output file name output_html_file = output_dir + '/' + filename_without_ext + '.html' # Get other options and convert them to a dict. args = sys.argv[3:] cmd_opts = {} for arg in args: if '=' in arg: (var, value) = arg.split('=') cmd_opts[var] = value if not 'css' in cmd_opts: cmd_opts['css'] = '../../css/markdown.css' # Get article title cmd_opts['title'] = commands.getoutput("""grep 'Title:' %s |awk -F'Title: ' '{print $2}'""" % filename) # Set HTML head html = """\ %(title)s


""" % cmd_opts # Read markdown file and render as HTML body # Handle unicode characters with web.safeunicode orig_content = web.safeunicode(open(filename).read()) html += markdown.markdown(orig_content, extensions=MD_EXTENSIONS) # HTML foot ''' html += """\ """ ''' html += '' # Write to file f = open(output_html_file, 'w') f.write(html) f.close()