Per-user outbound restrictions

Note: if you're looking for whitelisting or blacklisting incoming email, please use iRedAPD plugin amavisd_wblist instead.

SQL backends

iRedAPD (a simple Postfix policy server developed by iRedMail team) provides plugin sql_user_restrictions for per-user inbound/outbound restrictions.

Please make sure plugin sql_user_restrictions is enabled in iRedAPD config file /opt/iredapd/ like below:

# Part of file: /opt/iredapd/

plugins = [..., 'sql_user_restrictions']

Restarting iRedAPD service is required if you modified /opt/iredapd/

You can store allowed or disallowed recipient in 2 SQL columns in vmail database:

Valid sender/recipient formats are:

NOTE: Multiple recipients must be separated by comma (,).

Sample usage:

sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox

OpenLDAP backend special

OpenLDAP backend requires iRedAPD plugin ldap_amavisd_block_blacklisted_senders.

Values for these LDAP attributes use the same format as mentioned above.

Note: multiple recipients must be stored in multiple attributes like below:


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