SQL: Mark existing mail user as global domain admin

Mark user as global domain admin with iRedAdmin-Pro

With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can mark user as either global domain admin or normal domain admin in user profile page, under tab General.

Mark user as global domain admin with SQL command line tool

If you don't have any mail account, please follow this tutorial to create a new mail user: SQL: Bulk create mail users.

Let's say you want to mark existing user user@mydomain.com as global domain admin, please follow steps below to achieve this.

sql> UPDATE mailbox SET isadmin=1,isglobaladmin=1 WHERE username='user@mydomain.com';
sql> INSERT INTO domain_admins (username, domain) VALUES ('user@mydomain.com', 'ALL');

Now you can login to iRedAdmin-Pro as user@mydomain.com, it's global domain admin.

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