Migrate or upgrade iRedAdmin

We provide remote upgrade service, check the price and contact us.

This tutorial describes how to update or migrate iRedAdmin (either open source edition or old iRedAdmin-Pro release) to the latest iRedAdmin release (again, either open source edition or iRedAdmin-Pro).


  1. The latest iRedAdmin-Pro always requires the latest iRedMail stable release, so you MUST upgrade iRedMail to the latest stable release before upgrading iRedAdmin-Pro.

    If you run the latest iRedAdmin-Pro with old iRedMail release, you may get error due to missing some required ldap attribute/value pairs (OpenLDAP backend), or missing some required SQL columns.

    If you run the latest iRedMail with old iRedAdmin-Pro, you may get error due to missing dropped SQL columns, or created accounts may miss some properties required by the latest iRedMail.

  2. You MUST have iRedAdmin open source edition or old iRedAdmin-Pro release installed and running on your server before upgrading.

Download the latest iRedAdmin

Upgrade Steps

# cd /root/
# tar xjf iRedAdmin-x.y.z.tar.bz2
# cd iRedAdmin-x.y.z/tools/
# bash upgrade_iredadmin.sh

That's all. If it doesn't work for you, please post a new topic in our online support forum.

Additional steps

All documents are available in BitBucket repository, and published under Creative Commons license. If you found something wrong, please do contact us to fix it.