# Upgrade iRedMail from 1.2.1 to 1.3 [TOC] !!! warning THIS IS STILL A DRAFT DOCUMENT, DO NOT APPLY IT. !!! note "Paid Remote Upgrade Support" We offer remote upgrade support if you don't want to get your hands dirty, check [the details](https://www.iredmail.org/support.html) and [contact us](https://www.iredmail.org/contact.html). ## ChangeLog * May XX, 2020: initial release. ## General (All backends should apply these changes) ### Update `/etc/iredmail-release` with new iRedMail version number iRedMail stores the release version in `/etc/iredmail-release` after installation, it's recommended to update this file after you upgraded iRedMail, so that you can know which version of iRedMail you're running. For example: ``` 1.3 ``` ### Fixed: inconsistent Fail2ban jail names !!! attention This is applicable to Linux and OpenBSD. iRedMail-1.2 and 1.2.1 introduced [SQL integration in Fail2ban](./fail2ban.sql.html), but there're few inconsistent jail names which caused unbanning IP from iRedAdmin-Pro doesn't work. Please run commands below to fix them. ``` cd /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ perl -pi -e 's#dovecot-iredmail#dovecot#g' dovecot.local perl -pi -e 's#postfix-pregreet-iredmail#postfix-pregreet#g' postfix-pregreet.local perl -pi -e 's#name=postfix,#name=postfix-pregreet,#g' postfix-pregreet.local perl -pi -e 's#postfix-iredmail#postfix#g' postfix.local perl -pi -e 's#roundcube-iredmail#roundcube#g' roundcube.local perl -pi -e 's#sogo-iredmail#sogo#g' sogo.local ``` ## OpenLDAP backend special ### Add missing index for SQL column `msgs.time_iso` in `amavisd` database Please run SQL commands below as MySQL root user: ``` USE amavisd; CREATE INDEX msgs_idx_time_iso ON msgs (time_iso); ``` ## MySQL/MariaDB backend special ### Add missing index for SQL column `msgs.time_iso` in `amavisd` database Please run SQL commands below as MySQL root user: ``` USE amavisd; CREATE INDEX msgs_idx_time_iso ON msgs (time_iso); ```