Reset user password

With MySQL or PostgreSQL backends, you can generate a password hash with openssl or doveadm command first, then replace old one with this newly generated one.

For example:

$ openssl passwd -1 123456

Or, generate password hash with doveadm:

$ doveadm pw -s 'ssha512' -p '123456'
sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='$1$2dQ48hyz$.mCLeDSdPkP3fxVmARsB.0' WHERE username='';
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{SSHA512}jOcGSlKEz95VeuLGecbL0MwJKy0yWY...' WHERE username='';

With OpenLDAP backend, you can reset it with phpLDAPadmin or other LDAP client tools, SSHA is preferred if you have other applications to authenticate users against OpenLDAP.

See also

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