# iRedAdmin-Pro (LDAP backend): Add and manage custom services for mail user It's reasonable that you want to use OpenLDAP server running on iRedMail server as a central identity management database. If you have other softwares/services, and need to restrict some users to use these software/services, the easiest and most elegent soluion is adding extra service name in LDAP database, and update your softwares to use a proper LDAP filter to query users. We assume you have a GitLab server and Jabber (XMPP) server running on internal servers, and allow different users to use them. In this tutorial, we use service name `gitlab` for GitLab service, and `jabber` for Jabber. With iRedAdmin-Pro, please open its config file `/opt/www/iredadmin/settings.py` , add a new parameter `ADDITIONAL_ENABLED_USER_SERVICES` like below: !!! attention * If you deployed iRedMail with the [iRedMail Easy platform](https://www.iredmail.org/easy.html), you should add this setting in config file `/opt/iredmail/custom/iredadmin/settings.py` instead. * Old iRedMail releases may deploy iRedAdmin-Pro to different directory, please check [this tutorial](./file.locations.html#iredadmin) to figure it out. ``` ADDITIONAL_ENABLED_USER_SERVICES = ['gitlab', 'jabber'] ``` Then restart `iredadmin` service. __Newly__ created mail user will have these 2 services enabled by default, but for existing users, you have to add them either manually or do it with some scripting/programming. You can find these 2 custom service names after logged in to iRedAdmin-Pro, in user profile page, under tab `Advanced`. Screenshot attached. ![](./images/iredadmin/custom_user_services.png){: width="700px" } In OpenLDAP, mail user with these 2 services enabled will have 2 new LDAP attribute/value pairs: ``` enabledService=gitlab enabledService=jabber ``` For GitLab, the LDAP filter used to query user should look like this: ``` (&(objectClass=mailUser)(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=gitlab)) ``` For Jabber, the LDAP filter used to query user should look like this: ``` (&(objectClass=mailUser)(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=jabber)) ```