# Allow certain users to send email as another user iRedMail configures Postfix to reject the request when sender specifies an owner for the MAIL FROM address (`From:` header), but the client is not (SASL) logged in as that MAIL FROM address owner; or when the client is (SASL) logged in, but the client login name doesn't own the MAIL FROM address. Sometimes we do need to send email as another user, this tutorial describes how to allow certain users to do this with iRedAPD plugin `reject_sender_login_mismatch`. * Remove `reject_sender_login_mismatch` restriction rule in Postfix setting `smtpd_sender_restrictions` (`/etc/postfix/main.cf`). Out iRedAPD plugin will do the same restriction for you. After removed `reject_sender_login_mismatch`, Postfix setting looks like below: ``` smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated ``` * Enable plugin `reject_sender_login_mismatch` in iRedAPD config file `/opt/iredapd/settings.py`: ```python plugins = ['reject_sender_login_mismatch', ...] ``` * List senders who are allowed to send email as different users in iRedAPD config file `/opt/iredapd/settings.py`, in parameter `ALLOWED_LOGIN_MISMATCH_SENDERS`. For example: ```python ALLOWED_LOGIN_MISMATCH_SENDERS = ['user1@here.com', 'user2@here.com'] ``` NOTE: this parameter does not present by default, please add it manually. Restart iRedAPD service. That's all.