# iRedAdmin-Pro: Default password restrictions iRedAdmin-Pro has some default password restrictions, you can find default settings in file `libs/default_settings.py`. If you want to change them, please copy the parameters to iRedAdmin-Pro config file `settings.py` then update its value. Restarting Apache/Nginx web service is required. ``` # default password restriction setting in file: libs/default_settings.py # Special characters which can be used in password. PASSWORD_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS = """#$%&'"*+-,.:;!<=>?@[]/\(){}^_`~""" # Must contain at least one letter, one uppercase letter, one number, one special character PASSWORD_HAS_LETTER = True PASSWORD_HAS_UPPERCASE = True PASSWORD_HAS_NUMBER = True PASSWORD_HAS_SPECIAL_CHAR = True ``` For example, if you don't want to enforce upper case in password, set below parameter in iRedAdmin-Pro config file `settings.py`: ``` PASSWORD_HAS_UPPERCASE = False ```