Upgrade SOGo from v2 to v3

SOGo-3.x has a shinny new web UI, you can try the online demo here: http://sogo.nu (search 'demo' on the page).

SOGo team offers support for both SOGo v3 and v2, so it's totally fine if you want to stick to SOGo-2.x. In case you want to try SOGo-3.x, please try steps below.

Upgrade SOGo On RHEL/CentOS

mkdir -p /root/sogo-backup/{sogo,sysconfig}
cp /etc/sogo/* /root/sogo-backup/sogo/
cp /etc/sysconfig/sogo /root/sogo-backup/sysconfig/
yum remove "sope*" "sogo*"
yum install sogo sogo-ealarms-notify sogo-tool sogo-activesync sope49-gdl1-mysql sope49-gdl1-postgresql
cp /root/sogo-backup/sogo/* /etc/sogo/
cp /root/sogo-backup/sysconfig/sogo /etc/sysconfig/
service sogod restart

Upgrade SOGo On Debian/Ubuntu

mkdir -p /root/sogo-backup/{sogo,default}
cp /etc/sogo/* /root/sogo-backup/sogo/
cp /etc/default/sogo /root/sogo-backup/default/
apt-get remove "libsope*" "sogo*"

apt-get update
apt-get install sogo sogo-activesync sope4.9-gdl1-mysql sope4.9-gdl1-postgresql
cp /root/sogo-backup/sogo/* /etc/sogo/
cp /root/sogo-backup/default/sogo /etc/default/
service sogo restart


If SOGo doesn't work as expected, please check its log file /var/log/sogo/sogo.log. If you don't understand what the error message means, please extract related error message and post to our online support forum: http://www.iredmail.org/forum/.

All documents are available in BitBucket repository, and published under Creative Commons license. You can download the latest version for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do contact us to fix it.