iRedAdmin-Pro (web-based admin panel) release notes and upgrade tutorials

Upgrade iRedAdmin

With the latest iRedAdmin, you can simply upgrade old releases by following this tutorial with just one shell command: Migrate or upgrade iRedAdmin

Install iRedAdmin from scratch

Release Notes

iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP (for OpenLDAP backend)

iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL (For MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL backends)

iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL and iRedAdmin-Pro-PGSQL were merged into one edition: iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL. Below are changelog of old iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL editions.

iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL and iRedAdmin-Pro-PGSQL were merged into one edition: iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL. Below are changelog of old iRedAdmin-Pro-PGSQL editions.

All documents are available in BitBucket repository, and published under Creative Commons license. You can download the latest version for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do contact us to fix it.