// Flow of inbound mails // // Convert to png with Graphviz: // dot -Tpng flow.inbound.dot -o flow.inbound.png digraph inbound { label="Flow of Inbound Mail" sender[label="Sender"] sender_server[label="Sender Server"] //postfix[label="Postfix (MTA)", style=filled] postfix_postscreen[label="Postfix (postscreen)", style=filled] postfix_smtpd[label="Postfix (smtpd)", style=filled] postfix_queue[label="Postfix (queue)", style=filled] //postfix_iredapd[label="Postfix (smtpd)"] dovecot[label="Dovecot (POP3/IMAP/Sieve/LDA/LMTP/SASL)", style=filled] iredapd[label="iRedAPD (Postfix Policy Server)", style=filled, shape=diamond] db[label="OpenLDAP, MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL", style=filled] //amavisd[label="Amavisd", style=filled] amavisd_10024[label="Amavisd (port 10024)", style=filled, shape=diamond] sa_clamav[label="SpamAssassin, ClamAV", style=filled] mailboxes[label="Mailboxes"] // Flow of inbound emails sender -> sender_server[style=dotted] sender_server -> postfix_postscreen[label=" Enter iRedMail Server, Port 25", style=dotted] postfix_postscreen -> sender_server[label=" REJECT", color=red] postfix_postscreen -> postfix_smtpd postfix_smtpd -> iredapd[label=" Greylisting \nWhitelisting \nBlacklisting \nThrottling \n..."] postfix_smtpd -> db[label="User verification"] iredapd -> postfix_smtpd[label=" DUNNO \nREJECT \n451 (Greylisting) \n...", color=blue] iredapd -> db[label="User verification"] postfix_smtpd -> sender_server[label=" REJECT \n451 (Greylisting)", color=red] postfix_smtpd -> amavisd_10024[label=" Pipe to port 10024 for spam/Virus scanning and more"] amavisd_10024 -> postfix_smtpd[label=" REJECT, BOUNCE, ... \n(Detected SPAM/VIRUS, ...)", color=blue] amavisd_10024 -> sa_clamav[label=" Spam/Virus Scanning \nDKIM verification \n..."] amavisd_10024 -> db[label=" User verification \nWhite/Blacklisting \nQuarantine Spam/Virus \n..."] sa_clamav -> postfix_queue postfix_queue-> dovecot[label=" Pipe"] dovecot -> db[label=" User Authentication"] dovecot -> mailboxes[label=" LDA, LMTP"] dovecot -> postfix_smtpd[label=" REJECT (mailbox quota exceed)", color=blue] //end_users -> dovecot[label="Retrieve mails via POP3/IMAP"] //end_users -> postfix[label="Send email (port 587)"] //Webmail -> dovecot[label="Access mailbox on web browser (IMAP)"] //Webmail -> postfix[label="Send email (port 587)"] iRedAdmin -> db[label="Account management \nand more"] }