# Mailbox sharing (Sharing IMAP folder with other users) > Since iRedMail-`0.7.0`, mailbox sharing related settings are configured in > Dovecot but not enabled, what you need to do is enabling "acl" plugin as > mentioned below. > Since iRedMail-`0.9.0`, mailbox sharing are enabled by default, you don't need > to modify any config file. > Do not mistake "shared folders" for "public folders". For shared folders, > users must select which folder they want to share and with who, using an > interface, like IMAP command line or the ones available with Roundcube > webmail or SOGo and SOGo connectors. ## Enable mailbox sharing To enable mailbox sharing, please make sure you have plugin `acl` enabled in Dovecot config file `/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf` like below: * For Dovecot-1.2: ``` # Part of file: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf protocol lda { mail_plugins = ... acl } protocol imap { mail_plugins = ... acl imap_acl } ``` * For Dovecot-2.x: ``` # Part of file: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf mail_plugins = ... acl protocol imap { mail_plugins = ... imap_acl } ``` Restarting Dovecot service is required. ## Test shared folder Example: share from@domain.ltd's `Sent` folder to user `testing@domain.ltd`. > WARNING: Do not forget the dot before IMAP command. ``` # telnet localhost 143 # <- Type this. * OK [...] Dovecot ready. . login from@domain.ltd passwd # <- Type this. # Login with full email address and password . OK [... ACL ..] Logged in . SETACL Sent testing@domain.ltd rli # <- Type this. # Share folder `Sent` with user testing@domain.ltd, # with permissions: read (r), lookup (l) and insert (i). . OK Setacl complete. ^] # <- Press `Ctrl + ]` to exit telnet. telnet> quit ``` Log into Roundcube webmail or SOGo as user `testing@domain.ltd`, you should see the shared folder. Some more details: * After you shared folder with `SETACL` command, dovecot will insert a record in MySQL database. * With OpenLDAP backend, it's stored in `iredadmin.share_folder`. * With MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL backends, it's stored in `vmail.share_folder`. ``` # mysql -uroot -p mysql> USE vmail; mysql> SELECT * FROM share_folder; +-----------------+--------------------+-------+ | from_user | to_user | dummy | +-----------------+--------------------+-------+ | from@domain.ltd | testing@domain.ltd | 1 | +-----------------+--------------------+-------+ ``` ## References * Dovecot wiki: * [Mailbox sharing between users (v2.0+)](http://wiki2.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/Shared) * [Mailbox sharing between users (v1.2+)](http://wiki.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/Shared) * Roundcubemail has official plugin `acl` to manage mailbox sharing. * SOGo groupware supports mailbox sharing by default: right-click IMAP folder, choose `Sharing`. * [Imap-ACL-Extension for Thunderbird](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/imap-acl-extension/), manage acls/permissions for shared mailboxes/folders on imap servers.