# Upgrade iRedAPD !!! attention * Release Notes are available here: [iRedAPD Release Notes](./iredapd.releases.html). * If you're trying to upgrade iRedAPD-1.3.x or earlier releases to the latest iRedAPD, please check this tutorial instead: [Upgrade iRedAPD from v1.3.x or earlier versions to latest release](./upgrade.old.iredapd.html). * iRedMail and iRedAdmin-Pro completely drop support for Cluebringer, if you're still running Cluebringer, please migrate to iRedAPD by following [our tutorial](./cluebringer.to.iredapd.html). * We offer remote upgrade service, * We offer remote upgrade support, check [the details](https://www.iredmail.org/support.html) and [contact us](https://www.iredmail.org/contact.html). This tutorial describes how to upgrade iRedAPD from `1.4.0` or later releases to the latest stable release. It's applicable on all Linux/BSD distributions supported by iRedMail. 1. Download the latest stable release here: . For example, iRedAPD-2.4.tar.bz2. 1. Upload it to your iRedMail server. Assume it's `/root/iRedAPD-2.4.tar.bz2`. 1. Extract downloaded package and execute upgrade script: !!! attention If you're running iRedMail with OpenLDAP or MySQL/MariaDB backends, upgrading from iRedAPD-1.6.0 or earlier releases requires MySQL root username and password, please get them before you run upgrade script. ``` # cd /root # tar xjf iRedAPD-2.4.tar.bz2 # cd iRedAPD-2.4/tools/ # bash upgrade_iredapd.sh ``` That's all. !!! note "Known issues of SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) support" * Sender addresses will always be rewritten even if the mail is not forwarded at all. This is because the canonical maps are read by the Postfix cleanup daemon, which processes mails at the very beginning before any routing decision is made. * Postfix will use rewritten address in the `Return-Path:` header, if you have any sieve rules based on `Return-Path:`, it MAY not work anymore and please update your sieve rules to match rewritten address. !!! note "Plugins" * It's recommended to enable plugin `reject_null_sender` in iRedAPD-1.4.4 or later releases to prevent authenticated user sending spam as null sender. * Plugin `amavisd_wblist` is required for whitelisting and blacklisting. ## See Also * [Migrate Cluebringer to iRedAPD](./cluebringer.to.iredapd.html)