# How to write ebooks with Markdown * Organize articles in directories, each directory is a chapter. * Chapter title is defined in file `_title.md` under chapter folder. ``` - 1-introduction/ |- _title.md |- what_is_iredmail.md |- why_choose_iredmail.md |- price.md - 2-faq/ - 3-install/ ... - html/css/markdown.css - html/images/ ``` * Articles will be ordered automatically, if you want to force the order, prepend a digit number and `-` in article files. e.g. ``` - 1-introduction/ |- _title.md |- 1-what_is_iredmail.md |- 2-why_choose_iredmail.md |- 3-price.md ``` * Convert all Markdown files to HTML static files. Script `convert.sh` will also generate index file `html/index.html` (which includes all articles with valid internal links). ```bash $ bash convert.sh ```