# How to add mail list account (LDAP backend) ## Add mail list with iRedAdmin-Pro With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can easily add mail list account by click menu: `Add -> Mail List` in main navigation bar. ## Add mail list with phpLDAPadmin * Login to phpLDAPadmin (httpS://[your_server]/phpldapadmin/) * Expand LDAP tree in left panel, find `ou=Groups` under your domain dn. * Click `ou=Groups` in left panel, then click `Create a child entry` in right panel. [Screenshot](http://screenshots.iredmail.googlecode.com/hg/iredmail/phpldapadmin/create_maillist_ou_groups.png) * Choose `mailList` in `ObjectClasses` list, then click `Proceed`. * Select `mail` as RDN, fill necessary values of attributes: ``` dn: mail=demolist@demo.iredmail.org,ou=Groups,domainName=demo.iredmail.org,o=domains,dc=iredmail,dc=org accountStatus: active cn: demolist enabledService: mail enabledService: deliver enabledService: displayedInGlobalAddressBook mail: demolist@demo.iredmail.org objectClass: mailList ``` Now switch to `ou=Users` under you domain LDAP dn in left panel. * Expand `ou=Users` in left panel. * Find user account which you want to assign to new mail list we created above. * Click user account in left panel. * If attribute `memberOfGroup` exists in right panel: * click `Add value` under it and fill mail address of our new mail list. For example: `demolist@demo.iredmail.org` * Click `Update Object` to save settings. * If attribute `memberOfGroup` doesn't exist in right panel: * Click `Add new attribute` in right panel * Choose `memberOfGroup` in drop-down list. * Fill mail address of our new mail list. * Click `Update Object` to save settings. You can add as many `memberOfGroup=xxx` as you want, which means this user is assigned to many mail lists. Here's sample to add external users as mail list members: ``` dn: memberOfGroup=demolist@demo.iredmail.org,ou=Externals,domainName=demo.iredmail.org,o=domains,dc=iredmail,dc=org accountstatus: active enabledservice: mail enabledservice: deliver mail: user01@external.com mail: user02@external.com memberofgroup: demolist@demo.iredmail.org objectclass: mailExternalUser ``` __IMPORTANT NOTE__: If you don't have any mail list member, Postfix will report error like below: ``` Aug 1 15:45:42 mail postfix/smtpd[6024]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo=<[]> ``` ## Mail list access policies You can restrict who can send email to this mailing list by adding LDAP attribute `accessPolicy`. For example: ``` dn: mail=demolist@demo.iredmail.org,ou=Groups,domainName=demo.iredmail.org,o=domains,dc=iredmail,dc=org accesspolicy: domain ... ``` This access restriction is implemented in iRedAPD (a simple Postfix policy server), iRedMail has it enabled by default. Available access policies are: * `public`: no restrictions. * `domain`: all users under same domain are allowed to send email to this mail list. * `subdomain`: all users under same domain and sub-domains are allowed to send email to this mail list. * `membersOnly`: only members of this mail list are allowd. * `moderatorsOnly`: only moderators of this mail list are allowed. * `memebersAndModeratorsOnly`: only members and moderators of this mail list are allowed.