Enable SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) support


If you deploy iRedMail server with the iRedMail Easy platform, you can simply enable or disable it by toggling on/off a checkbox on the mail server profile page, then apply the change.

What SRS is

It's recommended to read links below to understand what SRS is:

Upgrade iRedAPD to 2.6 or later release

We implemented SRS support since iRedAPD-2.6, please make sure you're running 2.6 or later release. You can check its version by running command below:

ls -dl /opt/iredapd

To upgrade iRedAPD, please follow this tutorial: Upgrade iRedAPD.

iRedAPD will listen on 3 network ports by default:

Test SRS

You can use telnet or netcat (command nc) to test it. We use nc for example here.

Connect to port 7778 first:

nc localhost 7778

Then type command:

get user@gmail.com

Since gmail.com is an external domain, you should get a rewritten address returned like this:

200 SRS0=XsrM=R5=gmail.com=a@<HOSTNAME>

The placholder <HOSTNAME> will be replaced by your server hostname.

Then try with your mail domain name (replace mydomain.com below by your real mail domain name):

get user@mydomain.com

You should get this:

500 Domain is a local mail domain, bypassed.

If you get same/similar output, the SRS feature is working fine.

Enable SRS integration in Postfix

Please add 4 new parameters in Postfix config file /etc/postfix/main.cf (on Linux/OpenBSD) or /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf (on FreeBSD):

sender_canonical_maps = tcp:
sender_canonical_classes = envelope_sender
recipient_canonical_maps = tcp:
recipient_canonical_classes= envelope_recipient,header_recipient

Restarting or reloading Postfix service is required. After restarted/reloaded, please monitor its log file (/var/log/maillog) and pay close attention to the sender address.

Known issues of SRS support