# LDAP: Add a mail alias account ## Add mail alias with iRedAdmin-Pro With iRedAdmin-Pro, please click menu in main navigation bar: `Add -> Mail Alias'. Screenshot: ![](../images/iredadmin/alias_create.png) ## Add mail alias with phpLDAPadmin * Log into phpLDAPadmin as LDAP root dn `cn=Manager` or `cn=vmailadmin`. * Expand LDAP tree in left panel, click `Create new entry here` under `ou=Aliases` of your domain, and select `Default` in right panel. * Select object class `mailAlias` in right panel. * Input required fields of mail alias account. __WARNING__: Attribute `enabledService` requires two values: `mail`, `deliver`. * Confirm to create. * Add missing value for attribute `enabledService`: `mail`, `deliver`. * Add alias members (full email address) in attribute `mailForwardingAddress`. You can add as many members as you want.