# Monitor incoming and outgoing mails with BCC [TOC] This tutorial describes how to configure your iRedMail server (OpenLDAP backend) to monitor incoming and outgoing mails with BCC, via iRedAdmin-Pro or phpLDAPadmin. # Configure BCC with iRedAdmin-Pro With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can configure BCC easily: ## Per-domain BCC settings Go to domain profile page, then you can enable sender bcc or recipient bcc in tab `BCC`. * Screenshot: ## Per-user BCC settings Go to user profile page, then you can enable sender bcc or recipient bcc in tab 'Advanced'. * Screenshot: # Configure BCC with phpLDAPadmin ## Per-domain BCC settings * Login to phpLDAPadmin first. * it's accessible via URL http__S__://your_server.com/phpldapadmin/ * You can find root dn (cn=Manager,dc=xx,dc=xx) or `cn=vmailadmin,dc=xx,dc=xx` in root directory of iRedMail installation directory, e.g. `/root/iRedMail-0.7.2/iRedMail.tips`. * Expand LDAP tree in left panel, find the domain you want to configure BCC settings. e.g. domainName=example.com. * phpLDAPadmin will ask you __Select a template to edit the entry__ in right panel, just select __Default__. * phpLDAPadmin will show you all currently assigned LDAP attributes and values in right panel, now click link `Add new attribute` in top-right panel to add BCC related attributes: * __domainSenderBccAddress__: Used to store email address for sender bcc, all outgoing mails will be BCCed to this email address. * __WARNING__: Multiple email addresses is __NOT__ supported. * __domainRecipientBccAddress__: Used to store email address for recipient bcc, all incoming mails will be BCCed to this email address. * __WARNING__: Multiple email addresses is __NOT__ supported. * Make sure you have __senderbcc__ and/or __recipientbcc__ as value of attribute __enabledService__, otherwise BCC won't work at all. ## Per-user BCC settings It's same as per-domain BCC settings. Below are steps: * Login to phpLDAPadmin first. * it's accessible via URL http__S__://your_server.com/phpldapadmin/ * You can find root dn (cn=Manager,dc=xx,dc=xx) or `cn=vmailadmin,dc=xx,dc=xx` in root directory of iRedMail installation directory, e.g. `/root/iRedMail-0.7.2/iRedMail.tips`. * Expand LDAP tree in left panel, find the user you want to configure BCC settings. e.g. `mail=user@example.com`. * phpLDAPadmin will ask you __Select a template to edit the entry__ in right panel, just select __Default__. * phpLDAPadmin will show you all currently assigned LDAP attributes and values in right panel, now click link `Add new attribute` in top-right panel to add BCC related attributes: * __userSenderBccAddress__: Used to store email address for sender bcc, all outgoing mails will be BCCed to this email address. * __WARNING__: Multiple email addresses is __NOT__ supported. * __userRecipientBccAddress__: Used to store email address for recipient bcc, all incoming mails will be BCCed to this email address. * __WARNING__: Multiple email addresses is __NOT__ supported. * Make sure you have __senderbcc__ and/or __recipientbcc__ as value of attribute __enabledService__, otherwise BCC won't work at all.