Interact iRedAdmin-Pro RESTful API with curl


Sample curl commands to interact iRedAdmin-Pro RESTful API.

# Login
# Replace `<username>` by the real admin email address.
# Replace `<password>` by the real admin password.
# It will create a plain text file `cookie.txt` under current directory.
curl -X POST -c cookie.txt -d "username=<username>&password=<password>" https://<server>/api/login

# Create domain (POST)
# cn=ABC Inc. (display name: "ABC Inc."
# quota=20480 (quota: 20 GB)
curl -X POST -i -b cookie.txt -d "cn=ABC Inc.&quota=20480" https://<server>/api/domain/<domain>

# Create mail user (POST)
# cn=Zhang Huangbin (display name: "Zhang Huangbin")
# mailQuota=1024 (mailbox quota: 1 GB)
curl -X POST -i -b cookie.txt -d "cn=Zhang Huangbin&mailQuota=1024" https://<server>/api/user/<mail>

# Delete mail user (DELETE)
curl -X DELETE -i -b cookie.txt https://<server>/api/user/<mail>

# Update mail user profiles (PUT)
curl -X PUT -i -b cookie.txt -d "cn=John Smith&mailQuota=2048" https://<server>/api/user/<mail>

# Create mail alias (POST)
# cn=My Alias (display name: "My Alias")
curl -X POST -i -b cookie.txt -d "cn=My Alias" https://<server>/api/alias/<mail>

# Delete mail alias (DELETE)
curl -X DELETE -i -b cookie.txt https://<server>/api/alias/<mail>

# Create mailing list (POST, OpenLDAP backend only)
curl -X POST -i -b cookie.txt -d "cn=My List" https://<server>/api/maillist/<mail>

# Delete mail alias (DELETE)
curl -X DELETE -i -b cookie.txt https://<server>/api/maillist/<mail>

# Delete domain (DELETE)
curl -X DELETE -i -b cookie.txt https://<server>/api/domain/<domain>

See Also

All documents are available in BitBucket repository, and published under Creative Commons license. You can download the latest version for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do contact us to fix it.