Monitor incoming and outgoing mails with BCC

This tutorial describes how to configure your iRedMail server to monitor incoming and outgoing mails with BCC, via iRedAdmin-Pro or other tools.

Important notes:

Manage BCC settings with iRedAdmin-Pro

With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can configure BCC easily.

SQL: Manage BCC settings with SQL command line tools

We take MySQL backend for example, but the SQL commands should work with PostgreSQL too.

-- BCC outgoing emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO sender_bcc_domain (domain, bcc_address, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', 1, NOW());

-- BCC incoming emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO recipient_bcc_domain (domain, bcc_address, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', 1, NOW());
-- BCC outgoing emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO sender_bcc_user (username, bcc_address, domain, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', '', 1, NOW());

-- BCC incoming emails to ''
mysql> INSERT INTO recipient_bcc_user (username, bcc_address, domain, active, created)
       VALUES ('', '', '', 1, NOW());

LDAP: Manage BCC settings with phpLDAPadmin or other LDAP client tools

# per-domain sender bcc

# per-domain recipient bcc
# per-domain sender bcc

# per-domain recipient bcc

Monitor all inbound and outbound

To monitor all inbound and outbound on the server, please specify the email address used to receive BCCed email in Postfix parameter always_bcc. For example:

always_bcc =

Then all inbound and outbound will be BCCed to

Screenshot of iRedAdmin-Pro

Per-domain bcc settings:

Per-user bcc settings: