SOGo: Manage resources (Free/Busy)

This tutorial is a slight rewritten of SOGo wiki tutorial for iRedMail: Use Resources with SOGo.

SOGo supports the management of resources like meeting rooms. A resource has, just like a person, a calendar, an email address and may be invited to events. The big difference is that resources auto accept invitations.

When you mark a mail user as a meeting room resource, SOGo will display its Free/Busy info when you invite this user in a calendar event.


This document has been tested with iRedMail-0.9.8 and SOGo-4.0.x, but it should work fine with any iRedMail releases and SOGo v2/v3/v4.

OpenLDAP backend

Add missing LDAP schema files

We need 2 new LDAP schema files, you can click links below to download them:

Upload downloaded schema files to iRedMail server which runs OpenLDAP backend, copy them to default schema directory:

Edit OpenLDAP config file slapd.conf with your favourite text editor, add 2 new include directives right after the iredmail.schema line like below:


Please make sure you're using the correct schema directory.

# this line already exists
include /etc/openldap/schema/iredmail.schema

# Add below 2 new lines.
# WARNING: calentry.schema must be loaded before calresource.schema.
include /etc/openldap/schema/calentry.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/calresource.schema

Since we don't use any new ldap attribute names in LDAP query filter, no index required for new attribute names.

Now restart OpenLDAP service.

Add missing settings in SOGo config file

SOGo needs 2 parameters to understand which LDAP attributes it should query to understand the resources:

Edit SOGo config file sogo.conf, add these 2 new parameters in the global address book section like below:

    SOGoUserSources = (
            // Used for global address book
            type = ldap;
            id = global_addressbook;

            // Add below 2 lines
            KindFieldName = "Kind";
            MultipleBookingsFieldName = "MultipleBookings";

Now restart SOGo service.


We use mail domain name for example below, you need to replace it by your real domain name during testing.


ldapvi -D 'cn=manager,dc=xx,dc=xx' -b 'o=domains,dc=xx,dc=xx' -W ""

In the ldapvi editor, you should see full LDIF data of user Please append few lines for this user:

objectClass: CalendarResource
objectClass: calEntry
Kind: location
MultipleBookings: 1

Save your change and quit ldapvi (just like quitting vi/vim text editor).
