iRedAdmin-Pro (web-based admin panel) release notes and upgrade tutorials

Upgrade iRedAdmin

With the latest iRedAdmin, you can simply upgrade old releases by following this tutorial with just one shell command: Migrate or upgrade iRedAdmin

Install iRedAdmin from scratch

Release Notes

iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP (for OpenLDAP backend)

iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL (For MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL backends)

iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL and iRedAdmin-Pro-PGSQL were merged into one edition: iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL. Below are changelog of old iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL editions.

iRedAdmin-Pro-MySQL and iRedAdmin-Pro-PGSQL were merged into one edition: iRedAdmin-Pro-SQL. Below are changelog of old iRedAdmin-Pro-PGSQL editions.

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