# Use OpenLDAP as address book in Microsoft Outlook Tested with Outlook 2007: * on account settings choose address book tab * click `New` * choose `Internet directory service (LDAP)` * Input the server name or IP address. * Check the box `This server requires me to logon` * Input the full LDAP dn of your mail account as login username. For example: `mail=www@testserver.com,ou=Users,domainName=testserver.com,o=domains,dc=testserver,dc=com`, dont forget to input the correct user password. * Click `More Settings` * Leave by default * Click `Search` * Choose `Custom` and input the LDAP dn or your mail domain: `ou=Users,domainName=testserver.com,o=domains,dc=testserver,dc=com` * Done. Please make sure network port `389` (OpenLDAP service) is open to external network on your iRedMail server, it's blocked in iRedMail by default..