Upgrade SOGo from v3 to v4

SOGo v4 was released on Mar 7, 2018 by the SOGo team (https://sogo.nu), it will become the main branch with most active development. If you're satisfied with SOGo v3, you're free to stick to it.

Upgrade SOGo On RHEL/CentOS

mkdir -p /root/sogo-backup/{sogo,sysconfig}
cp /etc/sogo/* /root/sogo-backup/sogo/
cp /etc/sysconfig/sogo /root/sogo-backup/sysconfig/
bash /var/vmail/backup/backup_sogo.sh
yum clean all
yum update sogo* sope*
service sogod restart

Upgrade SOGo On Debian/Ubuntu

mkdir -p /root/sogo-backup/{sogo,default}
cp /etc/sogo/* /root/sogo-backup/sogo/
cp /etc/default/sogo /root/sogo-backup/default/
bash /var/vmail/backup/backup_sogo.sh
# Debian
https://packages.inverse.ca/SOGo/nightly/4/debian ...

# Ubuntu
https://packages.inverse.ca/SOGo/nightly/4/ubuntu ...
apt-get update
apt-get install --only-upgrade sogo sogo-activesync
service sogo restart

Upgrade SOGo On FreeBSD

FreeBSD ports tree still ships SOGo-3, so no SQL structure change after you update ports www/sogo3 and www/sogo3-activesync.

Upgrade SOGo On OpenBSD

OpenBSD 6.3 still ships SOGo-3, so no SQL structure change after you update sogo/sope packages with pkg_add command.


If SOGo doesn't work as expected, please check its log file /var/log/sogo/sogo.log. If you don't understand what the error message means, please extract related error message and post to our online support forum: https://forum.iredmail.org/.