# LDAP: Add per-domain catch-all account With default setting, iRedMail will reject emails sent to non-existing mail accounts under hosted mail domains. If you want to accept these emails, you need a per-domain catch-all account. With OpenLDAP backend, you can add an catch-all account for mail domain `example.com` like below: ``` dn: mail=@example.com,ou=Users,domainName=example.com,o=domains,dc=iredmail,dc=org accountstatus: active cn: catch-all mail: @example.com mailForwardingAddress: user_1@example.com mailForwardingAddress: user_2@example.com objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: mailUser sn: catch-all uid: catch-all ``` With above catch-all account, emails sent to non-existing addresses will be forwarded to both `user_1@example.com` and `user_2@example.com`. __NOTE__: With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can manage catch-all account in domain profile directly. Screenshot attached. ![](./images/iredadmin/domain_profile_catchall.png) ## See also * [Add per-domain catch-all account for MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL backends](./sql.add.catch-all.html)