# LDAP: Bulk create mail users iRedMail ships 2 scripts to help you create many mail users quickly. * `tools/create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.sh` (shell script) will connect to LDAP server and add accounts directly. * `tools/create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.py` (Python script) will read mail accounts from a plain text file and generate a LDIF file, you can import this LDIF file to create mail users. ## Create mail users with create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.sh * Open this script and update some variables related to your LDAP server (note: you can find them in `iRedMail.tips` file): * `LDAP_SUFFIX`: the ldap suffix of your OpenLDAP server. default is `dc=example,dc=com` * `BINDPW`: password of LDAP root dn (`cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com`). Notes: * Default password is same as username. if you prefer to set a password for all created users, please open the script and update variable `DEFAULT_PASSWD` with new password and set `USE_DEFAULT_PASSWD='YES'`. * Password scheme is defined in variable `PASSWORD_SCHEME` (or `CRYPT_MECH` in old iRedMail releases), default is `SSHA`. * Per-user mailbox quota is defined in variable `QUOTA`, default is `104857600` (100 MB, equals to 100 * 1024 * 1024). * Maildir path is hashed like `domain.ltd/u/s/e/username-20150929`. If you prefer `domain.ltd/username/`, please set `MAILDIR_STYLE='normal'`. * Mailbox storage path is defined in variable `STORAGE_BASE_DIRECTORY`, default is `/var/vmail/vmail1`. * Create mail users: ```shell # cd iRedMail-0.9.6/tools/ # bash create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.sh example.com user1 user2 user3 ``` It will create users `user1@example.com`, `user2@example.com`, `user3@example.com`. Note: you don't need to create the mail domain name `example.com` with iRedAdmin first. ## Create mail users with create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.py `tools/create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.py` will read mail accounts from a plain text file and generate a LDIF file, you can import this LDIF file to create mail users. The plain text file format is: ``` domain name, username, password, [common name], [quota_in_bytes], [groups] ``` Note: domain name, username and password are __required__, others are optional. * __username__: do not append `@domain.com` part in username. * __common name__: * It will be the same as username if it's empty. * Non-ascii character is allowed in this field, they will be encoded automaticly. Such as Chinese, Korea, Japanese, etc. * __quota__: It will be 0 (unlimited quota) if it's empty. * __groups__: * user will become member of specified groups. * it must be valid group names without `@domain.com` part. for example, use `support` for group `support@domain.com`. The `@domain.com` part will be appended automaticly. * Multiple groups must be seperated by colon `:`. * Leading and trailing Space will be ignored. 3 examples: ``` mydomain.com, user1, plain_password, John Smith, 104857600, group1:group2 mydomain.com, user2, plain_password, Michael Jordan, , mydomain.com, user3, plain_password, , 104857600, group1:group2 ``` * Now create mail domain `mydomain.com` with iRedAdmin first. * Run this script with plain text file `my_users.csv`: ``` # cd iRedMail-0.9.6/tools/ # python create_mail_user_OpenLDAP.py my_users.csv ``` It will generate a plain LDIF file `my_users.csv.ldif` under current directory, you can import it (after reviewed the LDIF data) with command `ldapadd` like below: ``` # ldapadd -x -D cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com -W -f the_output_file.ldif ``` Notes: * Please replace `cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com` by the real LDAP root dn. * Please replace `the_output_file.ldif` by the real output file. Additional Notes: * Password scheme is defined in variable `DEFAULT_PASSWORD_SCHEME`, default is `SSHA`. * Maildir path is hashed like `domain.ltd/u/s/e/username-20150929`. If you prefer `domain.ltd/username/`, please set `HASHED_MAILDIR = False`. * Mailbox storage path is defined in variable `STORAGE_BASE_DIRECTORY`, default is `/var/vmail/vmail1`. ## See Also * [SQL: Bulk create mail users](./sql.bulk.create.mail.users.html)