Install iRedMail on OpenBSD

System Requirements


iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a FRESH server system, which means your server does NOT have mail related components installed, e.g. MySQL, OpenLDAP, Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, etc. iRedMail will install and configure them for you automatically. Otherwise it may override your existing files/configurations althought it will backup files before modifying, and it may not be working as expected.

To install iRedMail on OpenBSD, you need:



Set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname on your server

No matter your server is a testing machine or production server, it's strongly recommended to set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname.

Enter command hostname to view the current hostname:

$ hostname

On OpenBSD, hostname is set in two files: /etc/myname and /etc/hosts.
# Part of file: /etc/hosts mx localhost localhost.localdomain

Verify the FQDN hostname. If it wasn't changed after updating above two files, please reboot server to make it work.

$ hostname

Choose a nearest mirror site for installing binary packages

iRedMail will install all required binary packages with command pkg_add -i from mirror site defined in file /etc/installurl (FYI: installurl(5)), If no mirror defined, iRedMail will use the fastly CDN for package installation.

It's recommended to install packages from a mirror site, to reduce server load on OpenBSD primary servers. Also, installing package from a nearest mirror site will speed up package installation. You can find mirror list near you on OpenBSD web site: Getting OpenBSD.

Install required packages

Before running iRedMail installer, we need to install few required packages:

pkg_add bash bzip2

iRedMail is wrote in Bash shell scripting language, so bash shell interpreter is required. And bzip2 is used to uncompress downloaded iRedMail package.

Download the latest release of iRedMail

# cd /root/
# tar xjf iRedMail-x.y.z.tar.bz2

Start iRedMail installer

It's now ready to start iRedMail installer, it will ask you several simple questions, that's all required to setup a full-featured mail server.

# cd /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/
# bash

Screenshots of installation


There's no big difference between available backends, so it's strongly recommended to choose the one you're familiar with for easier management and maintenance after installation.

To MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL users

If you choose to store mail accounts in MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL, iRedMail installer will generate a random, strong password for you. You can find it in file

Note: This account is an admin account and a mail user. That means you can login to webmail and admin panel (iRedAdmin) with this account, login username is full email address.

After answered above questions, iRedMail installer will ask you to review and confirm to start installation. It will install and configure required packages automatically. Type y or Y and press Enter to start.

Important things you MUST know after installation


The weakest part of a mail server is user's weak password. Spammers don't want to hack your server, they just want to send spam from your server. Please ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS force users to use a strong password.

Access webmail and other web applications

After installation successfully completed, you can access web-based programs if you choose to install them. Replace your_server below by your real server hostname or IP address.

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