Locations of configuration and log files of mojor components



Main config files are nginx.conf and default.conf.


Main config files:

Log files


Config files

Main config file is dovecot.conf. It contains most configurations.

Additional config files:

Log files


Main config file:

Schema files are stored under schema/ directory (same directory as slapd.conf).

OpenLDAP is configured to log to /var/log/openldap.log by default, if it's empty, please check normal syslog log file /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog instead.


Main config files

Log files

Amavisd is configured to log to Postfix log file by iRedMail.


Main config file:


FreeBSD system is /usr/local/etc/fail2ban/.

Roundcube webmail

Roundcube webmail is installed under below directory by default:

Config files:


Main config file is /opt/iredapd/settings.py on all Linux/BSD distributions.


Main config file:

iRedAdmin is a web application, when debug mode is turned on, it will log error message to Apache ssl error log file, or uwsgi log file (if you're running Nginx). Usually uwsgi log file is /var/log/uwsgi/, but it's /var/www/logs/ on OpenBSD.

Note: If you modified any iRedAdmin files (not just config file), please restart Apache or uwsgi service (if you're running Nginx) to reload modified files.

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