Upgrade iRedMail from 0.9.9 to 1.0


This is still a DRAFT document, do NOT apply it.

Paid Remote Upgrade Support

We offer remote upgrade support if you don't want to get your hands dirty, check the details and contact us.



General (All backends should apply these changes)

Update /etc/iredmail-release with new iRedMail version number

iRedMail stores the release version in /etc/iredmail-release after installation, it's recommended to update this file after you upgraded iRedMail, so that you can know which version of iRedMail you're running. For example:


Upgrade iRedAPD (Postfix policy server) to the latest stable release


iRedAPD offers SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) support in this release, but it's disabled by default, please read our tutorial to understand known issues and how to enable it: Enable SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) support.

Please follow below tutorial to upgrade iRedAPD to the latest stable release: Upgrade iRedAPD to the latest stable release

Upgrade iRedAdmin (open source edition) to the latest stable release (0.9.6)

Please follow this tutorial to upgrade iRedAdmin open source edition to the latest stable release: Upgrade iRedAdmin to the latest stable release

Upgrade mlmmjadmin to the latest stable release (2.1)

Please follow below tutorial to upgrade mlmmjadmin to the latest stable release: Upgrade mlmmjadmin to the latest stable release

Upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release

Roundcube 1.3

With the release of Roundcube 1.3.0, the previous stable release branches 1.2.x and 1.1.x will switch in to LTS low maintenance mode which means they will only receive important security updates but no longer any regular improvement updates.

Please follow Roundcube official tutorial to upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release immediately:

Upgrade netdata to the latest stable release (1.15.0)

If you have netdata installed, you can upgrade it by following this tutorial: Upgrade netdata.

Fixed: improper order of Postfix smtpd_sender_restriction rules

iRedMail-0.9.9 and earlier releases didn't configure Postfix to apply custom restriction rule before querying DNS records of sender domain, this way you cannot whitelist some sender mail domains which don't have DNS records (especially your internal mail domains used in LAN). Please follow steps below to fix it.

smtpd_sender_restrictions =
    check_sender_access pcre:...
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
    check_sender_access pcre:...

Fail2ban: slightly loose filter rule for postfix

We received few reports from clients that Outlook for macOS may trigger some unexpected smtp errors, and caught by the Fail2ban filter rules shipped by iRedMail, so we decide to remove the filter rule used to match Postfix log lost connection after EHLO.

Please follow commands below to get the updated filter rules.

cd /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/
wget -O postfix.iredmail.conf https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/fail2ban/filter.d/postfix.iredmail.conf
wget -O dovecot.iredmail.conf https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/fail2ban/filter.d/dovecot.iredmail.conf

Restarting Fail2ban service is required.

[OPTIONAL] Enable mailbox quota status check in Dovecot and Postfix.

With default iRedMail settings, Postfix accepts email without checking whether user's mailbox is over quota, then pipes email to Dovecot LDA for local delivery. If mailbox is over quota, Dovecot can not save message to mailbox and generates a "sender non-delivery notification" to sender.

With the change below, Postfix will query mailbox quota status from Dovecot directly, then reject email if it's over quota. It saves system resource used to process this email (e.g. spam/virus scanning), and avoids bounce message.

Enable quota-status service in Dovecot

Open Dovecot config file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf (Linux/OpenBSD) or /usr/local/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf (FreeBSD), find the plugin {} block and add 3 new parameters:

plugin {
    # Used by quota-status service.
    quota_status_success = DUNNO
    quota_status_nouser = DUNNO
    quota_status_overquota = "552 5.2.2 Mailbox is full"

In same dovecot.conf, append settings below at the end of file:

service quota-status {
    executable = quota-status -p postfix
    client_limit = 1
    inet_listener {
        address =
        port = 12340

Restarting Dovecot service is required.

Enable quota status check in Postfix

Open Postfix config file /etc/postfix/main.cf (Linux/OpenBSD) or /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf (FreeBSD), find parameter smtpd_recipient_restrictions and append a new check_policy_service setting at the end like below:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_policy_service inet:

Restarting Postfix service is required.