Migrate from Cluebringer to iRedAPD


iRedMail-0.9.3 and later releases drop Cluebringer, and replace it by iRedAPD, because:

Not all Cluebringer features are implemented in iRedAPD, but the most important 2 features have been implemented:

If you need other Cluebringer features, please stay with Cluebringer and let us know which features you need, so that we can implement it in future release of iRedAPD.

Migrate to iRedAPD

Upgrade iRedAPD to 1.7.0 or later releases

Please Make sure you're running iRedAPD-1.7.0 or later release, you can check the version number with command below:

grep '__version__' /opt/iredapd/libs/__init__.py

If you're not running iRedAPD-1.7.0 or later release, please follow our tutorial to upgrade it: Upgrade iRedAPD.

Migrate Cluebringer to iRedAPD

iRedAPD-1.7.0 and later release ship two scripts to migrate greylisting and throttling settings from Cluebringer:

Please open above two files, update below parameters with correct SQL server address, port, database name, username and password for your existing Cluebringer database. You can find them in files below:

cluebringer_db_host = ''
cluebringer_db_port = 3306
cluebringer_db_name = 'cluebringer'
cluebringer_db_user = 'root'
cluebringer_db_password = ''

Then run below commands to migrate greylisting and throttling settings:

# cd /opt/iredapd/tools/
# python migrate_cluebringer_greylisting.py
# python migrate_cluebringer_throttle.py

That's it.

After migration

After migrated to iRedAPD, we need to update Postfix config file /etc/postfix/main.cf (Linux) or /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf (FreeBSD) to remove Cluebringer settings:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
    check_policy_service inet:
    check_policy_service inet:       # <- Remove this line

smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions =
    check_policy_service inet:
    check_policy_service inet:       # <- Remove this line
3   3   *   *   *   /usr/sbin/cbpadmin --config=/etc/policyd/cluebringer.conf --cleanup >/dev/null

Document published under a CC BY-ND 3.0 license. If you found something wrong, please do contact us to fix it.