# Install iRedMail on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS [TOC] ## System Requirements __IMPORTANT WARNING__: iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a FRESH server system, which means your server does __NOT__ have mail related components installed, e.g. MySQL, OpenLDAP, Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, etc. iRedMail will install and configure them for you automatically. Otherwise it may override your existing files/configurations althought it will backup files before modifing, and it may not be working as expected. To install iRedMail on RHEL or CentOS Linux, you need: * A __FRESH__, working RHEL or CentOS system. Supported releases are listed on [Download](../download.html) page. * `2 GB` of memory is recommended for a low traffic production server. Spam/Virus scanning will take most system resource. ## Preparations ### Set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname on your server No matter your server is a testing machine or production server, it's strongly recommended to set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname. Enter command `hostname -f` to view the current hostname: ```shell $ hostname -f mx.example.com ``` On RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux, hostname is set in two files: * For RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 6, hostname is defined in `/etc/sysconfig/network`: ``` HOSTNAME=mx.example.com ``` For RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 7, hostname is defined in /etc/hostname. ``` mx.example.com ``` * `/etc/hosts`: hostname <=> IP address mapping. Warning: List the FQDN hostname as first item. ``` mx.example.com mx localhost localhost.localdomain ``` Verify the FQDN hostname. If it wasn't changed, please reboot server to make it work. ``` $ hostname -f mx.example.com ``` ### Disable SELinux. iRedMail doesn't work with SELinux, so please disable it by setting below value in its config file `/etc/selinux/config`. After server reboot, SELinux will be completely disabled. ``` SELINUX=disabled ``` If you prefer to let SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing, you can set below value instead: ``` SELINUX=permissive ``` Disable it immediately without rebooting your server. ``` # setenforce 0 ``` ### Enable yum repositories for installing new packages * For CentOS or Scientific Linux, please enable CentOS/Scientific official yum repositories, and __DISABLE__ all third-party yum repositories to avoid package conflict. * For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, please enable Red Hat Network to install packages, or create a local yum repository with DVD/CD ISO images. > __NOTE__: Since official RHEL/CentOS and EPEL repositories don't have all > required packages with the needed features, iRedMail team has built these > packages and made them available trough the iRedMail repository enabled by > default at installation time. You can view all available packages > [here](http://www.iredmail.org/yum/rpms/), please check `README` and > `ChangeLog` files under each directory for more details. Source RPMs (srpm) > used by iRedMail team to build the binary packages are available > [here](http://www.iredmail.org/yum/srpms/). ### Download the latest release of iRedMail * Visit [Download page](../download.html) to get the latest stable release of iRedMail. * Upload iRedMail to your mail server via ftp or scp or whatever method you can use, login to the server to install iRedMail. We assume you uploaded it to `/root/iRedMail-x.y.z.tar.bz2` (replace x.y.z by the real version number). * Uncompress iRedMail tarball: ``` # cd /root/ # tar xjf iRedMail-x.y.z.tar.bz2 ``` ## Start iRedMail installer It's now ready to start iRedMail installer, it will ask you several simple questions, that's all required to setup a full-featured mail server. > For Chinese users: Our domain name `iredmail.org` is blocked in mainland > China since Jun 04, 2011, please run below command with a nearest mirror > site. For example: `IREDMAIL_MIRROR='' bash iRedMail.sh`. > > * `` is a mirror in mainland China. recommended. > * `` is a Linode VPS hosted in Tokyo, Japan. ``` # cd /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/ # bash iRedMail.sh ``` ## Screenshots of installation: * Welcome and thanks for your use ![](../images/installation/iredmail/welcome.png) * Specify location to store all mailboxes. Default is `/var/vmail/`. ![](../images/installation/iredmail/location_to_store_mailboxes.png) * Choose backend used to store mail accounts. You can manage mail accounts with iRedAdmin, our web-based iRedMail admin panel. __IMPORTANT NOTE__: There's no big difference between available backends, so it's strongly recommended to choose the one you're familiar with for easier management and maintenance after installation. ![](../images/installation/iredmail/backend.png) * If you choose to store mail accounts in OpenLDAP, iRedMail installer will ask you two questions about OpenLDAP. * LDAP suffix. ![](../images/installation/iredmail/ldap_suffix.png) * Password of LDAP root dn. ![](../images/installation/iredmail/pw_of_ldap_root_dn.png) * Set password of MySQL or PostgreSQL admin user. __NOTE__: MySQL is used to store data of other applications (e.g. Roundcube webmail, Cluebringer, Amavisd-new) if you choose OpenLDAP or MySQL as backend. ![](../images/installation/iredmail/pw_of_mysql_root_user.png) * Add your first mail domain name ![](../images/installation/iredmail/first_mail_domain.png) * Set password of admin account of your first mail domain. __Note__: This account is an admin account and a mail user. That means you can login to webmail and admin panel (iRedAdmin) with this account, login username is full email address. ![](../images/installation/iredmail/pw_of_domain_admin.png) * Choose optional components ![](../images/installation/iredmail/optional_components.png) After answered above questions, iRedMail installer will ask your confirm to start installation. It will install and configure required packages automatically. Type `y` or `Y` and press `Enter` to start. ``` Configuration completed. ************************************************************************* **************************** WARNING *********************************** ************************************************************************* * * * Please do remember to *REMOVE* configuration file after installation * * completed successfully. * * * * * /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/config * * ************************************************************************* <<< iRedMail >>> Continue? [Y|n] # <- Type 'Y' or 'y' here, and press 'Enter' to continue ``` ## Important things you __MUST__ know after installation > The weakest part of a mail server is user's weak password. Spammers don't > want to hack your server, they just want to send spam from your server. > Please __ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS__ force users to use a strong password. * Read file `/root/iRedMail-x.y.z/iRedMail.tips` first, it contains: * URLs, usernames and passwords of web-based applications * Location of mail service related software configuration files. You can also check this tutorial instead: [Locations of configuration and log files of mojor components](./file.locations.html). * Some other important and sensitive information * [Setup DNS records for your mail server](./setup.dns.html) * [How to configure your mail clients](./index.html#configure-mail-client-applications) * It's highly recommended to purchase a SSL cert to avoid annonying warning message in web browser or mail clients when accessing mailbox via HTTPS/IMAPS/POP3/SMTPS. Or, you can use [free SSL cert offerred by StartSSL.com](http://www.startssl.com/?app=1). We have a document for you to [use a bought SSL certificate](http://www.iredmail.org/docs/use.a.bought.ssl.certificate.html). * If you need to bulk create mail users, check our document for [OpenLDAP](./ldap.bulk.create.mail.users.html) and [MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL](./sql.bulk.create.mail.users.html). * If you're running a busy mail server, we have [some suggestions for better performance](./performance.tuning.html). ## Access webmail and other web applications After installation successfully completed, you can access web-based programs if you choose to install them. Replace `your_server` below by your real server hostname or IP address. * __Roundcube webmail__: [https://your_server/mail/](https://your_server/mail/) * __Web admin panel (iRedAdmin)__: [httpS://your_server/iredadmin/](httpS://your_server/iredadmin/) * __Awstats__: [httpS://your_server/awstats/awstats.pl?config=web](httpS://your_server/awstats/awstats.pl?config=web) (or ?config=smtp) ## Get technical support Please post all issues, feedbacks, feature requests, suggestions in our [online support forum](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/), it's more responsible than you expected.