# Quarantining [TOC] Since iRedMail-`0.7.0`, quarantining related settings in Amavisd are configured by iRedMail but disabled by default, you can easily enable quarantining with this tutorial. With below steps, Virus/Spam/Banned emails will be quarantined into SQL database. You can then manage quarantined emails with iRedAdmin-Pro. ## Quarantining spam, virus, banned and bad header messages Edit Amavisd config file, find below settings and update them. If it doesn't exist, please add them. * on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, it's `/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf` or `/etc/amavisd.conf`. * on Debian/Ubuntu, it's `/etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user`. * on FreeBSD, it's `/usr/local/etc/amavisd.conf`. * on OpenBSD, it's `/etc/amavisd.conf`. ``` # Part of file: /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf # Change values of below parameters to D_DISCARD. # Detected spams/virus/banned messages will not be delivered to user's mailbox. $final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD; $final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD; $final_banned_destiny = D_DISCARD; $final_bad_header_destiny = D_DISCARD; # Quarantine SPAM into SQL server. $spam_quarantine_to = 'spam-quarantine'; $spam_quarantine_method = 'sql:'; # Quarantine VIRUS into SQL server. $virus_quarantine_to = 'virus-quarantine'; $virus_quarantine_method = 'sql:'; # Quarantine BANNED message into SQL server. $banned_quarantine_to = 'banned-quarantine'; $banned_files_quarantine_method = 'sql:'; # Quarantine Bad Header message into SQL server. $bad_header_quarantine_method = 'sql:'; $bad_header_quarantine_to = 'bad-header-quarantine'; ``` Also, make sure you have below lines configured in same config file: ```perl # For MySQL/MariaDB/OpenLDAP backends @storage_sql_dsn = ( ['DBI:mysql:database=amavisd;host=;port=3306', 'amavisd', 'password'], ); # For PostgreSQL #@storage_sql_dsn = ( # ['DBI:Pg:database=amavisd;host=;port=5432', 'amavisd', 'password'], #); ``` Restarting amavisd service is required. ## Configure iRedAdmin-Pro to manage quarantined mails Update iRedAdmin-Pro config file, make sure you have correct settings for Amavisd: * on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, it's `/var/www/iredadmin/settings.py`. * on Debian, Ubuntu, it's `/opt/www/iredadmin/settings.py` or `/usr/share/apache2/iredadmin/settings.py`. * on FreeBSD, it's `/usr/local/www/iredadmin/settings.py`. * on OpenBSD, it's `/var/www/iredadmin/settings.py`. ```python # File: settings.py amavisd_db_host = '' amavisd_db_port = 3306 amavisd_db_name = 'amavisd' amavisd_db_user = 'amavisd' amavisd_db_password = 'password' # Log basic info of inbound/outbound, no mail body stored. amavisd_enable_logging = True # Quarantining management amavisd_enable_quarantine = True amavisd_quarantine_port = 9998 # Per-recipient policy lookup amavisd_enable_policy_lookup = True ``` Restarting Apache web server or `uwsgi` service (if you're running Nginx as web server) is required. You can now login to iRedAdmin-Pro, and manage quarantined messages via menu `System -> Quarantined Mails`. Choose action in drop-down menu list to release or delete them. Screenshots attached at the bottom. ### Notify users about quarantined mails iRedAdmin-Pro ships script `tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.py` to notify users which have email quarantined in SQL database. Default notification email contains basic info of each quarantined email: * mail subject * sender * recipient * spam level (score) * mail arrived time The notification email message is read from (HTML) template file `tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.html`, if you want to modify it, please copy it to `tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.html.custom` then modify it. During upgrading iRedAdmin-Pro, this custom file will be copied to new iRedAdmin-Pro directory, so you won't lose your customization. Several parameters are required by this script in iRedAdmin-Pro config file: ``` # SMTP server address, port, username, password used to send notification mail. NOTIFICATION_SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost' NOTIFICATION_SMTP_PORT = 587 NOTIFICATION_SMTP_STARTTLS = True NOTIFICATION_SMTP_USER = 'no-reply@localhost.local' NOTIFICATION_SMTP_PASSWORD = '' NOTIFICATION_SMTP_DEBUG_LEVEL = 0 # URL of your iRedAdmin-Pro login page which will be shown in notification # email, so that user can login to manage quarantined emails. # Sample: 'https://your_server.com/iredadmin/' # # Note: mail domain must have self-service enabled, otherwise normal # mail user cannot login to iRedAdmin-Pro for self-service. NOTIFICATION_URL_SELF_SERVICE = 'https://[your_server]/iredadmin/' # Subject of notification email. Available placeholders: # - %(total)d -- number of quarantined mails in total NOTIFICATION_QUARANTINE_MAIL_SUBJECT = '[Attention] You have %(total)d emails quarantined and not delivered to mailbox' ``` To notify user periodly, please add a cron job for root user to run `tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.py`. For example, every 6 hours ('6 hours' is just an example, the period is totally up to you): ``` 1 */6 * * * /usr/bin/python /var/www/iredadmin/tools/notify_quarantined_recipients.py --force-all >/dev/null ``` Don't forget to use the correct path to `notify_quarantined_recipients.py` on your server. You can also run this script manually to notify users. for example, on RHEL/CentOS: ``` cd /var/www/iredadmin/tools/ python notify_quarantined_recipients.py --force-all ``` `notify_quarantined_recipients.py` supports few arguments: Argument | Comment ---|--- `--force-all` | Send notification to all users which have email quarantined `--force-all-time` | Notify users for their all quarantined emails instead of just new ones since last notification. `--notify-backupmx` | Send notification to all recipients under backup mx domain ## Quarantine clean emails Note: If you just want to quarantine clean emails sent from/to certain local user, please refer to this document instead: [Quarantine clean emails sent from/to certain local user](./quarantine.clean.mails.per-user.html) If you want to quarantine clean emails into SQL database for further approval or whatever reason, please follow below steps: * Update below parameters in Amavisd config file `amavisd.conf`: ```perl $clean_quarantine_method = 'sql:'; $clean_quarantine_to = 'clean-quarantine'; ``` * Find policy bank `ORIGINATING`, append two lines in this policy bank: ```perl $policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = { ... clean_quarantine_method => 'sql:', final_destiny_by_ccat => {CC_CLEAN, D_DISCARD}, } ``` * Restart Amavisd service. Now all clean emails sent by your mail users will be quarantined into SQL database. ## Screenshots * View quarantined mails: ![](./images/iredadmin/system_maillog_quarantined.png) * Expand quarantined mail to view mail body and headers. ![](./images/iredadmin/system_maillog_quarantined_expanded.png)