Install iRedMail on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS

System Requirements

WARNING: iRedMail is designed to be deployed on a FRESH server system, which means your server does NOT have mail related components installed, e.g. MySQL, OpenLDAP, Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd, etc. iRedMail will install and configure them for you automatically. Otherwise it may override your existing files/configurations althought it will backup files before modifing, and it may be not working as expected.

To install iRedMail on RHEL or CentOS Linux, you need:


Set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname on your server

No matter your server is a testing machine or production server, it's strongly recommended to set a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) hostname.

Enter command hostname -f to view the current hostname:

$ hostname -f

On RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux, hostname is set in two files:

For RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 7, hostname is defined in /etc/hostname. mx localhost localhost.localdomain

Verify the FQDN hostname. If it wasn't changed, please reboot server to make it work.

$ hostname -f

Disable SELinux.

iRedMail doesn't work with SELinux, so please disable it by setting below value in its config file /etc/selinux/config.


Now disable it immediately without rebooting your server.

# setenforce 0

Enable yum repositories for installing new packages

Download the latest release of iRedMail

# cd /root/
# tar xjf iRedMail-x.y.z.tar.bz2

Start iRedMail installer

For Chinese users: Our domain name "" is blocked in China mainland since Jun 04, 2011, please replace all '' by its IP address "" (without quotes) in /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/pkgs/ BEFORE executing "". This is a Linode VPS hosted in Tokyo, Japan.

It's now ready to start iRedMail installer, it will ask you several simple questions, that's all steps to setup a full-featured mail server.

# cd /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/
# bash

Screenshots of installation:

IMPORTANT NOTE: There's no big difference between available backends, so it's strongly recommended to choose the one you're familiar with for easier management and maintenance after installation.

* Password of LDAP root dn.

NOTE: MySQL is used to store data of other applications (e.g. Roundcube webmail, Cluebringer, Amavisd-new) if you choose OpenLDAP or MySQL as backend.

Note: This account is an admin account and a mail user. That means you can login to webmail and admin panel (iRedAdmin) with this account, login username is full email address.

After answered above questions, iRedMail installer will ask your confirm to start installation. It will install and configure required packages automatically. Type y or Y and press Enter to start.

Configuration completed.

**************************** WARNING ***********************************
*                                                                       *
* Please do remember to *REMOVE* configuration file after installation  *
* completed successfully.                                               *
*                                                                       *
*   * /root/iRedMail-x.y.z/config
*                                                                       *
<<< iRedMail >>> Continue? [Y|n]        # <- Type 'Y' or 'y' here, and press 'Enter' to continue

Important things you MUST know after installation

Access webmail and other web applications

After installation successfully completed, you can access web-based programs if you choose to install them. Replace your_server below by your real server hostname or IP address.

Get technical support

Please post all issues, feedbacks, feature requests, suggestions in our online support forum, it's more responsible than you expected.

If you found something wrong in this document, please do contact us to fix it.

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