- Please visit [https://docs.iredmail.org/](https://docs.iredmail.org/) to read documents. - Get support in our forum: [https://forum.iredmail.org/](https://forum.iredmail.org/). # License All documents are published under Creative Commons License. # How to translate and contribute * Create a new directory and name it to the short language code. for example: * `de_DE` for `German` * `zh_CN` for `Chinese` * Add file `[xx_XX]/_lang.md` with the full name of the language. for example: * `English` in `en_US/_lang.md` * `Deutsch` in `de_DE/_lang.md` * `简体中文` in `zh_CN/_lang.md`. * Copy the markdown document you want to translate to new language directory, create the same sub-directory as original document. For example, to translate `en_US/howto/reset.user.password.md` to Chinese, please create directory `zh_CN/howto/` and copy `reset.user.password.md` to `zh_CN/howto/` (with same file name). * Translate the file and send a pull request. If you found something wrong, even just a grammar error or spelling mistake, please don't hesitate to send us a pull request or [contact us](https://www.iredmail.org/contact.html) to fix it.