diff --git a/html/iredmail.releases.html b/html/iredmail.releases.html index b2e3bf85..39ffc598 100644 --- a/html/iredmail.releases.html +++ b/html/iredmail.releases.html @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  • 0.9.0, released on Dec ??, 2014. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.7
  • 0.8.7, released on May 13, 2014. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.6
  • 0.8.6, released on Dec 16, 2013. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.5
  • -
  • 0.8.5, released on Jul 16, 2013. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.4
  • +
  • 0.8.5, released on Jul 16, 2013. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.4
  • 0.8.4, released on Mar 26, 2013. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.3
  • 0.8.3, released on Oct 13, 2012. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.2
  • 0.8.2, released on Sep 19, 2012. Release notes, Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.1
  • diff --git a/html/upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.html b/html/upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0aeda9a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/html/upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.html @@ -0,0 +1,530 @@ + + + + Upgrade iRedMail from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 + + + + +

    Upgrade iRedMail from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5

    + +


    + +

    General (All backends should apply these steps)


    Update /etc/iredmail-release with iRedMail version number


    iRedMail stores the release version in /etc/iredmail-release after +installation, it's recommended to update this file after you upgraded iRedMail, +so that you can know which version of iRedMail you're running. For example:

    # File: /etc/iredmail-release
    + +

    Upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release


    Please follow Roundcube official tutorial to upgrade Roundcube webmail to the +latest stable release immediately: How to upgrade Roundcube


    Upgrade iRedAPD (Postfix policy server) to the latest stable release


    Please follow below tutorial to upgrade iRedAPD to the latest stable release: +How to upgrade iRedAPD-1.4.1 or later versions to latest stable release


    Upgrade iRedAdmin (open source edition) to the latest stable release


    Please follow this tutorial to upgrade iRedAdmin open source edition to the +latest stable release: Upgrade iRedAdmin to the latest stable release


    OpenLDAP backend special


    Use the latest LDAP schema file provided by iRedMail


    With the latest LDAP schema file, we can:

    + +

    Steps to use the latest LDAP schema file are:

    + +

    Here we go:

    + +
    # cd /tmp
    +# wget https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/iredmail.schema
    +# cd /etc/openldap/schema/
    +# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak
    +# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /etc/openldap/schema/
    +# /etc/init.d/slapd restart       # <-- Or: /etc/init.d/ldap restart
    + + +
    # cd /tmp
    +# wget https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/iredmail.schema
    +# cd /etc/ldap/schema/
    +# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak
    +# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /etc/ldap/schema/
    +# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
    + + +
    # cd /tmp
    +# wget https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/iredmail.schema
    +# cd /usr/local/etc/ldap/schema/
    +# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak
    +# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/
    +# /etc/init.d/slapd restart
    + +

    Fix incorrect ACL for attribute memberOfGroup


    Permission for attribute memberOfGroup is not set correctly, it causes normal +user can add himself to any mail list in LDAP. Default permission is writeable +by self, it should be "read" by "self" instead.

    + +
    # Part of file: slapd.conf
    +# User attrs.
    +access to attrs="employeeNumber, ..."
    + + +
    # Part of file: slapd.conf
    +# User attrs.
    +# WARNING: No space in attr list.
    +access to attrs="memberOfGroup,employeeNumber,..."
    + + +

    Support assigning mail list/alias as member of another mailing list

    + +
    # Part of file: /etc/postfix/ldap/virtual_group_maps.cf
    +#query_filter    = (&(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=mail)(enabledService=deliver)(|(memberOfGroup=%s)(shadowAddress=%s))(|(objectClass=mailUser)(objectClass=mailExternalUser)))
    +query_filter    = (&(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=mail)(enabledService=deliver)(|(&(|(memberOfGroup=%s)(shadowAddress=%s))(objectClass=mailUser))(&(memberOfGroup=%s)(!(shadowAddress=%s))(|(objectClass=mailExternalUser)(objectClass=mailList)(objectClass=mailAlias)))))
    + + +

    Fix incorrect SQL column name in Amavisd database


    NOTE: This fix is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7 and later versions, not +applicable to Amavisd-new-2.6 and earlier versions.


    Amavisd-new-2.7.1 fixes a SQL column name policy.unchecked_lover, previously +incorrectly specified as policy.unchecked_lovers_maps;


    Please login to MySQL server as root user, execute SQL commands to fix +incorrect column name:

    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE amavisd;
    +mysql> ALTER TABLE policy CHANGE unchecked_lovers_maps unchecked_lover CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL;
    + +

    Add SQL trigger in MySQL database: iredadmin


    With OpenLDAP backend, Dovecot stores real-time mailbox quota in MySQL table +iredadmin.used_quota. But it's hard to calculate per-domain used mailbox +quota, so we add a SQL trigger to set domain name while Dovecot inserting new +record for mail user.

    + +
    +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD INDEX (domain);
    +CREATE TRIGGER `after_insert_used_quota` BEFORE INSERT ON `used_quota` FOR EACH ROW
    +    BEGIN
    +        SET NEW.domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(NEW.username, '@', -1);
    +    END;
    +UPDATE used_quota SET domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(username, '@', -1);
    + + +
    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE iredadmin;
    +mysql> SOURCE /root/trigger.sql;
    + +

    That's all.


    Add new table in MySQL database: iredadmin


    We need a new SQL table to store maildir path of removed mail user, so that you +can delete his/her mailbox manually or with a cron job.

    + +
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deleted_mailboxes` (
    +    -- Email address of deleted user
    +    `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Domain part of user email address
    +    domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Absolute path of user's mailbox
    +    `maildir` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Which domain admin deleted this user
    +    `admin` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    KEY id (id),
    +    INDEX (timestamp),
    +    INDEX (username),
    +    INDEX (domain),
    +    INDEX (admin)
    + + +
    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE iredadmin;
    +mysql> SOURCE /root/deleted_mailboxes.sql;
    + +

    That's all.


    MySQL backend special


    Add new SQL columns in vmail database

    + +

    Please login to MySQL server as root user, execute SQL commands to add required columns and indexes.

    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE vmail;
    +mysql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultlanguage VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en_US';
    +mysql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableddomainprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
    +mysql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableduserprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
    + +

    No INDEX is required for those 3 new columns.


    fix incorrect column name in Amavisd database


    NOTE: This fix is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7 and later versions, not applicable to Amavisd-new-2.6 and earlier versions.


    Amavisd-new-2.7.1 fixes a SQL column name "policy.unchecked_lover", previously incorrectly specified as "policy.unchecked_lovers_maps";

    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE amavisd;
    +mysql> ALTER TABLE policy CHANGE unchecked_lovers_maps unchecked_lover CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL;
    + +

    Add SQL trigger in MySQL database vmail


    With MySQL backend, Dovecot stores real-time mailbox quota in MySQL table +vmail.used_quota. But it's hard to calculate per-domain used mailbox quota, +so we add a SQL trigger to set domain name while Dovecot inserting new record +for mail user.

    + +
    +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD INDEX (domain);
    +CREATE TRIGGER `after_insert_used_quota` BEFORE INSERT ON `used_quota` FOR EACH ROW
    +    BEGIN
    +        SET NEW.domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(NEW.username, '@', -1);
    +    END;
    +UPDATE used_quota SET domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(username, '@', -1);
    + +

    Now login to MySQL database as MySQL root user, then execute below command to add required SQL trigger:

    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE vmail;
    +mysql> SOURCE /root/trigger.sql;
    + +

    That's all.


    Add new table in MySQL database: vmail


    We need a new SQL table to store maildir path of removed mail user, so that you +can delete his/her mailbox manually or with a cron job.

    + +
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deleted_mailboxes` (
    +    -- Email address of deleted user
    +    `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Domain part of user email address
    +    domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Absolute path of user's mailbox
    +    `maildir` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Which domain admin deleted this user
    +    `admin` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    KEY id (id),
    +    INDEX (timestamp),
    +    INDEX (username),
    +    INDEX (domain),
    +    INDEX (admin)
    + + +
    # mysql -uroot -p
    +mysql> USE vmail;
    +mysql> SOURCE /root/deleted_mailboxes.sql;
    + +

    That's all.


    PostgreSQL backend special


    Add new SQL columns in vmail database

    + +

    Please switch to PostgreSQL daemon user, then execute SQL commands to add required columns and indexes:

    + +
    # su - postgres
    +$ psql -d vmail
    +sql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultlanguage VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en_US';
    +sql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableddomainprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
    +sql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableduserprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
    + +

    No INDEX is required for these 3 new columns.


    Fix incorrect column name in Amavisd database


    NOTE: This fix is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7 and later versions, not +applicable to Amavisd-new-2.6 and earlier versions.


    Amavisd-new-2.7.1 fixes a SQL column name policy.unchecked_lover, previously +incorrectly specified as policy.unchecked_lovers_maps.

    # su - postgres
    +$ psql -d amavisd
    +sql> ALTER TABLE policy RENAME unchecked_lovers_maps TO unchecked_lover;
    + +

    Add SQL trigger in PostgreSQL database: vmail


    With PostgreSQL backend, Dovecot stores real-time mailbox quota in PostgreSQL +database vmail, table used_quota. But it's hard to calculate per-domain +used mailbox quota, so we add a SQL trigger to set domain name while Dovecot +inserting new record for mail user.

    + +
    +CREATE INDEX idx_used_quota_domain ON used_quota (domain);
    +DROP TRIGGER mergequota ON used_quota;
    +    IF NEW.messages < 0 OR NEW.messages IS NULL THEN
    +        -- ugly kludge: we came here from this function, really do try to insert
    +        IF NEW.messages IS NULL THEN
    +            NEW.messages = 0;
    +        ELSE
    +            NEW.messages = -NEW.messages;
    +        END IF;
    +        return NEW;
    +    END IF;
    +    LOOP
    +        UPDATE used_quota
    +        SET bytes = bytes + NEW.bytes, messages = messages + NEW.messages, domain=split_part(NEW.username, '@', 2)
    +        WHERE username = NEW.username;
    +        IF found THEN
    +            RETURN NULL;
    +        END IF;
    +        BEGIN
    +            IF NEW.messages = 0 THEN
    +                INSERT INTO used_quota (bytes, messages, username, domain)
    +                VALUES (NEW.bytes, NULL, NEW.username, split_part(NEW.username, '@', 2));
    +            ELSE
    +                INSERT INTO used_quota (bytes, messages, username, domain)
    +                VALUES (NEW.bytes, -NEW.messages, NEW.username, split_part(NEW.username, '@', 2));
    +            END IF;
    +            return NULL;
    +            EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN
    +            -- someone just inserted the record, update it
    +        END;
    +    END LOOP;
    +$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
    +CREATE TRIGGER mergequota BEFORE INSERT ON used_quota
    +    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE merge_quota();
    +UPDATE used_quota SET domain = SPLIT_PART(username, '@', 2);
    + + +
    # su - postgres
    +$ psql -d vmail
    +sql> \i /tmp/trigger.sql;
    + +

    That's all.


    Add new table in PostgreSQL database: vmail


    We need a new SQL table to store maildir path of removed mail user, so that you +can delete his/her mailbox manually or with a cron job.

    + +
    CREATE TABLE deleted_mailboxes (
    +    -- Email address of deleted user
    +    username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Domain part of user email address
    +    domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Absolute path of user's mailbox
    +    maildir TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    +    -- Which domain admin deleted this user
    +    admin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
    +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_timestamp ON deleted_mailboxes (timestamp);
    +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_username ON deleted_mailboxes (username);
    +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_domain ON deleted_mailboxes (domain);
    +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_admin ON deleted_mailboxes (admin);
    +GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE ON deleted_mailboxes TO vmail;
    +GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE ON deleted_mailboxes TO vmailadmin;
    + + +
    # su - postgres
    +$ psql -d vmail
    +sql> \i /tmp/deleted_mailboxes.sql;
    + +

    That's all.

    If you found something wrong +in this document, please do +contact us to fix it.

    This tutorial is published under a CC BY-ND 3.0 license. + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/upgrade/0-upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.md b/upgrade/0-upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..221c3429 --- /dev/null +++ b/upgrade/0-upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.md @@ -0,0 +1,507 @@ +# Upgrade iRedMail from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 + +[TOC] + +## ChangeLog +* 2013-07-14: First public release. +* 2013-06-27: [All backends] Add new SQL table: deleted_mailboxes. Used to store maildir path of removed mail user, used in iRedAdmin-Pro. +* 2013-06-08: [All backends] Add SQL trigger for table `used_quota`. +* 2013-06-08: [MySQL/PostgreSQL] Add 2 new columns on table `vmail.domain`: `disableddomainprofiles`, `disableduserprofiles`. Used in iRedAdmin-Pro. +* 2013-05-17: [ldap] Support assigning mail list/alias as member of another mailing list. +* 2013-05-12: [all backends] Fix incorrect Amavisd SQL column name: policy.unchecked_lovers_maps (incorrect one) -> policy.unchecked_lover. +* 2013-04-26: [ldap] Fix incorrect ACL for attribute `memberOfGroup`. +* 2013-04-03: [ldap] Use the latest iRedMail LDAP schema file. +* 2013-04-03: [MySQL/PostgreSQL] Add one new column used for store preferred language for newly created mail users. Used in iRedAdmin-Pro. + +## General (All backends should apply these steps) + +### Update /etc/iredmail-release with iRedMail version number + +iRedMail stores the release version in `/etc/iredmail-release` after +installation, it's recommended to update this file after you upgraded iRedMail, +so that you can know which version of iRedMail you're running. For example: + +``` +# File: /etc/iredmail-release + +0.8.5 +``` + +### Upgrade Roundcube webmail to the latest stable release + +Please follow Roundcube official tutorial to upgrade Roundcube webmail to the +latest stable release immediately: [How to upgrade Roundcube](http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Howto_Upgrade) + +### Upgrade iRedAPD (Postfix policy server) to the latest stable release + +Please follow below tutorial to upgrade iRedAPD to the latest stable release: +[How to upgrade iRedAPD-1.4.1 or later versions to latest stable release](http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?title=IRedMail/FAQ/Upgrade.iRedAPD) + +### Upgrade iRedAdmin (open source edition) to the latest stable release + +Please follow this tutorial to upgrade iRedAdmin open source edition to the +latest stable release: [Upgrade iRedAdmin to the latest stable release](./migrate.or.upgrade.iredadmin.html) + +## OpenLDAP backend special + +### Use the latest LDAP schema file provided by iRedMail + +With the latest LDAP schema file, we can: + +* use attribute `preferredLanguage` for mail domain object, it's used to + storage short language code (e.g. de_DE, en_US) for newly created mail users. +* Assign mail list/alias as member of another mailing list. + +Steps to use the latest LDAP schema file are: + +* Download the newest iRedMail ldap schema file +* Copy old ldap schema file as a backup copy +* Replace the old one +* Restart OpenLDAP service. + +Here we go: + +* On RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux (both release 5.x and 6.x), openSUSE, Gentoo, OpenBSD: + +``` +# cd /tmp +# wget https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/iredmail.schema + +# cd /etc/openldap/schema/ +# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak + +# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /etc/openldap/schema/ +# /etc/init.d/slapd restart # <-- Or: /etc/init.d/ldap restart +``` + +* On Debian/Ubuntu: +``` +# cd /tmp +# wget https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/iredmail.schema + +# cd /etc/ldap/schema/ +# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak + +# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /etc/ldap/schema/ +# /etc/init.d/slapd restart +``` + +* On FreeBSD: + +``` +# cd /tmp +# wget https://bitbucket.org/zhb/iredmail/raw/default/iRedMail/samples/iredmail.schema + +# cd /usr/local/etc/ldap/schema/ +# cp iredmail.schema iredmail.schema.bak + +# cp -f /tmp/iredmail.schema /usr/local/etc/openldap/schema/ +# /etc/init.d/slapd restart +``` + +### Fix incorrect ACL for attribute `memberOfGroup` + +Permission for attribute `memberOfGroup` is not set correctly, it causes normal +user can add himself to any mail list in LDAP. Default permission is writeable +by self, it should be "read" by "self" instead. + +* Open OpenLDAP config file `slapd.conf`, find below lines: + + * On RHEL/CentOS, openSUSE, Gentoo, OpenBSD, it's `/etc/openldap/slapd.conf`. + * On Debian/Ubuntu, it's `/etc/ldap/slapd.conf`. + * On FreeBSD, it's `/usr/local/etc/openldap/slapd.conf`. + +``` +# Part of file: slapd.conf + +# User attrs. +access to attrs="employeeNumber, ..." +``` + +* Prepend attribute name `memberOfGroup` before `employeeNumber`. The final + result looks like below: + +``` +# Part of file: slapd.conf + +# User attrs. +# WARNING: No space in attr list. +access to attrs="memberOfGroup,employeeNumber,..." +``` + +* Save the config file, then restart OpenLDAP service to make it use new ACL. + + * On RHEL/CentOS 5, openSUSE, please restart it with command

    # /etc/init.d/ldap restart
    + * On RHEL/CentOS 6 and other Linux distribution, please restart it with command:
    # /etc/init.d/slapd restart
    + * On FreeBSD, please restart it with command:
    # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/slapd restart
    + * On OpenBSD, please restart it with command:
    # /etc/rc.d/slapd restart
    + +### Support assigning mail list/alias as member of another mailing list + +* Open Postfix ldap lookup file `/etc/postfix/ldap/virtual_group_maps.cf` (or `/usr/local/etc/postfix/ldap/virtual_group_maps.cf` on FreeBSD), update the value of `query_filter` parameter to add addition LDAP objectclasses: + +``` +# Part of file: /etc/postfix/ldap/virtual_group_maps.cf + +# OLD SETTING +#query_filter = (&(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=mail)(enabledService=deliver)(|(memberOfGroup=%s)(shadowAddress=%s))(|(objectClass=mailUser)(objectClass=mailExternalUser))) + +# NEW SETTING +query_filter = (&(accountStatus=active)(enabledService=mail)(enabledService=deliver)(|(&(|(memberOfGroup=%s)(shadowAddress=%s))(objectClass=mailUser))(&(memberOfGroup=%s)(!(shadowAddress=%s))(|(objectClass=mailExternalUser)(objectClass=mailList)(objectClass=mailAlias))))) +``` + +* Restart Postfix service to use our new setting. + + * On Linux: ```# /etc/init.d/postfix restart``` + * On FreeBSD: ```# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postfix restart``` + * On OpenBSD: ```# /etc/rc.d/postfix restart``` + +### Fix incorrect SQL column name in Amavisd database + +NOTE: This fix is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7 and later versions, not +applicable to Amavisd-new-2.6 and earlier versions. + +Amavisd-new-2.7.1 fixes a SQL column name `policy.unchecked_lover`, previously +incorrectly specified as `policy.unchecked_lovers_maps`; + +Please login to MySQL server as root user, execute SQL commands to fix +incorrect column name: + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE amavisd; +mysql> ALTER TABLE policy CHANGE unchecked_lovers_maps unchecked_lover CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL; +``` + +### Add SQL trigger in MySQL database: `iredadmin` + +With OpenLDAP backend, Dovecot stores real-time mailbox quota in MySQL table +`iredadmin.used_quota`. But it's hard to calculate per-domain used mailbox +quota, so we add a SQL trigger to set domain name while Dovecot inserting new +record for mail user. + +* Please save below SQL command in a plain text file. For example, `/root/trigger.sql`: + +``` +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD COLUMN domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD INDEX (domain); + +DELIMITER $$ +CREATE TRIGGER `after_insert_used_quota` BEFORE INSERT ON `used_quota` FOR EACH ROW + BEGIN + SET NEW.domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(NEW.username, '@', -1); + END; +$$ +DELIMITER ; + +UPDATE used_quota SET domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(username, '@', -1); +``` + +* Now login to MySQL database as MySQL `root` user, then execute below command +to add required SQL trigger: + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE iredadmin; +mysql> SOURCE /root/trigger.sql; +``` + +That's all. + +### Add new table in MySQL database: `iredadmin` + +We need a new SQL table to store maildir path of removed mail user, so that you +can delete his/her mailbox manually or with a cron job. + +* Please save below SQL command in a plain text file. For example, `/root/deleted_mailboxes.sql`: + +``` +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deleted_mailboxes` ( + `id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, + `timestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + -- Email address of deleted user + `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Domain part of user email address + domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Absolute path of user's mailbox + `maildir` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Which domain admin deleted this user + `admin` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + KEY id (id), + INDEX (timestamp), + INDEX (username), + INDEX (domain), + INDEX (admin) +) ENGINE=MyISAM; +``` + +* Now login to MySQL database as MySQL `root` user, then execute below command to add required SQL table: + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE iredadmin; +mysql> SOURCE /root/deleted_mailboxes.sql; +``` + +That's all. + +## MySQL backend special + +### Add new SQL columns in vmail database + +* New column `domain.defaultlanguage`, used to storage short language code (e.g. de_DE, en_US) for newly created mail users. It's used in iRedAdmin-Pro. +* New column `domain.disableddomainprofiles`, used to store per-domain disabled domain profiles. It's used in iRedAdmin-Pro, global admin can select which profiles are disabled in domain profile page, and normal domain admin cannot view and update disabled domain profiles in domain profile page. +* New column `domain.disableduserprofiles`, used to store per-domain disabled user profiles. It's used in iRedAdmin-Pro, global admin can select which profiles are disabled in domain profile page, and normal domain admin cannot view and update disabled user profiles in user profile page. + +Please login to MySQL server as root user, execute SQL commands to add required columns and indexes. + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE vmail; +mysql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultlanguage VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en_US'; +mysql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableddomainprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +mysql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableduserprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +``` + +No INDEX is required for those 3 new columns. + +### fix incorrect column name in Amavisd database + +NOTE: This fix is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7 and later versions, not applicable to Amavisd-new-2.6 and earlier versions. + +Amavisd-new-2.7.1 fixes a SQL column name "policy.unchecked_lover", previously incorrectly specified as "policy.unchecked_lovers_maps"; + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE amavisd; +mysql> ALTER TABLE policy CHANGE unchecked_lovers_maps unchecked_lover CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL; +``` + +### Add SQL trigger in MySQL database `vmail` + +With MySQL backend, Dovecot stores real-time mailbox quota in MySQL table +`vmail.used_quota`. But it's hard to calculate per-domain used mailbox quota, +so we add a SQL trigger to set domain name while Dovecot inserting new record +for mail user. + +* Please save below SQL command in a plain text file. For example, `/root/trigger.sql`: + +``` +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD COLUMN domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD INDEX (domain); + +DELIMITER $$ +CREATE TRIGGER `after_insert_used_quota` BEFORE INSERT ON `used_quota` FOR EACH ROW + BEGIN + SET NEW.domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(NEW.username, '@', -1); + END; +$$ +DELIMITER ; + +UPDATE used_quota SET domain = SUBSTRING_INDEX(username, '@', -1); +``` + +Now login to MySQL database as MySQL `root` user, then execute below command to add required SQL trigger: + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE vmail; +mysql> SOURCE /root/trigger.sql; +``` + +That's all. + +### Add new table in MySQL database: `vmail` + +We need a new SQL table to store maildir path of removed mail user, so that you +can delete his/her mailbox manually or with a cron job. + +* Please save below SQL command in a plain text file. For example, `/root/deleted_mailboxes.sql`: + +``` +CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `deleted_mailboxes` ( + `id` BIGINT(20) UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT, + `timestamp` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + -- Email address of deleted user + `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Domain part of user email address + domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Absolute path of user's mailbox + `maildir` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Which domain admin deleted this user + `admin` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + KEY id (id), + INDEX (timestamp), + INDEX (username), + INDEX (domain), + INDEX (admin) +) ENGINE=MyISAM; +``` + +* Now login to MySQL database as MySQL `root` user, then execute below command + to add required SQL table: + +``` +# mysql -uroot -p +mysql> USE vmail; +mysql> SOURCE /root/deleted_mailboxes.sql; +``` + +That's all. + +## PostgreSQL backend special + +### Add new SQL columns in vmail database + +* New column `domain.defaultlanguage`, used to storage short language code (e.g. de_DE, en_US) for newly created mail users. It's used in iRedAdmin-Pro. +* New column `domain.disableddomainprofiles`, used to store per-domain disabled domain profiles. It's used in iRedAdmin-Pro, global admin can select which profiles are disabled in domain profile page, and normal domain admin cannot view and update disabled domain profiles in domain profile page. +* New column `domain.disableduserprofiles`, used to store per-domain disabled user profiles. It's used in iRedAdmin-Pro, global admin can select which profiles are disabled in domain profile page, and normal domain admin cannot view and update disabled user profiles in user profile page. + +Please switch to PostgreSQL daemon user, then execute SQL commands to add required columns and indexes: + +* On Linux, PostgreSQL daemon user is `postgres`. +* On FreeBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is `pgsql`. +* On OpenBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is `_postgresql`. + +``` +# su - postgres +$ psql -d vmail +sql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultlanguage VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en_US'; +sql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableddomainprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +sql> ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableduserprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +``` + +No INDEX is required for these 3 new columns. + +### Fix incorrect column name in Amavisd database + +NOTE: This fix is applicable to Amavisd-new-2.7 and later versions, not +applicable to Amavisd-new-2.6 and earlier versions. + +Amavisd-new-2.7.1 fixes a SQL column name `policy.unchecked_lover`, previously +incorrectly specified as `policy.unchecked_lovers_maps`. + +``` +# su - postgres +$ psql -d amavisd +sql> ALTER TABLE policy RENAME unchecked_lovers_maps TO unchecked_lover; +``` + +### Add SQL trigger in PostgreSQL database: `vmail` + +With PostgreSQL backend, Dovecot stores real-time mailbox quota in PostgreSQL +database `vmail`, table `used_quota`. But it's hard to calculate per-domain +used mailbox quota, so we add a SQL trigger to set domain name while Dovecot +inserting new record for mail user. + +* Please save below SQL command in a plain text file. For example, +`/tmp/trigger.sql` (This file must be readable by PostgreSQL daemon user): + +``` +ALTER TABLE used_quota ADD COLUMN domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''; +CREATE INDEX idx_used_quota_domain ON used_quota (domain); + +DROP TRIGGER mergequota ON used_quota; +CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION merge_quota() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ +BEGIN + IF NEW.messages < 0 OR NEW.messages IS NULL THEN + -- ugly kludge: we came here from this function, really do try to insert + IF NEW.messages IS NULL THEN + NEW.messages = 0; + ELSE + NEW.messages = -NEW.messages; + END IF; + return NEW; + END IF; + + LOOP + UPDATE used_quota + SET bytes = bytes + NEW.bytes, messages = messages + NEW.messages, domain=split_part(NEW.username, '@', 2) + WHERE username = NEW.username; + IF found THEN + RETURN NULL; + END IF; + + BEGIN + IF NEW.messages = 0 THEN + INSERT INTO used_quota (bytes, messages, username, domain) + VALUES (NEW.bytes, NULL, NEW.username, split_part(NEW.username, '@', 2)); + ELSE + INSERT INTO used_quota (bytes, messages, username, domain) + VALUES (NEW.bytes, -NEW.messages, NEW.username, split_part(NEW.username, '@', 2)); + END IF; + return NULL; + EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN + -- someone just inserted the record, update it + END; + END LOOP; +END; +$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; + +CREATE TRIGGER mergequota BEFORE INSERT ON used_quota + FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE merge_quota(); + +UPDATE used_quota SET domain = SPLIT_PART(username, '@', 2); +``` + +* Now switch to PostgreSQL daemon user, then execute SQL commands to add +required columns and indexes: + + * On Linux, PostgreSQL daemon user is `postgres`. + * On FreeBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is `pgsql`. + * On OpenBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is `_postgresql`. + +``` +# su - postgres +$ psql -d vmail +sql> \i /tmp/trigger.sql; +``` + +That's all. + +### Add new table in PostgreSQL database: `vmail` + +We need a new SQL table to store maildir path of removed mail user, so that you +can delete his/her mailbox manually or with a cron job. + +* Please save below SQL command in a plain text file. For example, +`/root/deleted_mailboxes.sql`: + +``` +CREATE TABLE deleted_mailboxes ( + id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, + timestamp TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, + -- Email address of deleted user + username VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Domain part of user email address + domain VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Absolute path of user's mailbox + maildir TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '', + -- Which domain admin deleted this user + admin VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' +); + +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_timestamp ON deleted_mailboxes (timestamp); +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_username ON deleted_mailboxes (username); +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_domain ON deleted_mailboxes (domain); +CREATE INDEX idx_deleted_mailboxes_admin ON deleted_mailboxes (admin); + +GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE ON deleted_mailboxes TO vmail; +GRANT SELECT,UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE ON deleted_mailboxes TO vmailadmin; +``` + +* Now switch to PostgreSQL daemon user, then execute SQL commands to add +required columns and indexes: + + * On Linux, PostgreSQL daemon user is `postgres`. + * On FreeBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is `pgsql`. + * On OpenBSD, PostgreSQL daemon user is `_postgresql`. + +``` +# su - postgres +$ psql -d vmail +sql> \i /tmp/deleted_mailboxes.sql; +``` + +That's all. + diff --git a/upgrade/iredmail.releases.md b/upgrade/iredmail.releases.md index 5c796def..31d55694 100644 --- a/upgrade/iredmail.releases.md +++ b/upgrade/iredmail.releases.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ * __0.9.0__, released on Dec ??, 2014. [Release notes](), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.7](./upgrade.iredmail.0.8.7-0.9.0.html) * __0.8.7__, released on May 13, 2014. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic6872-news-announcements-bug-fixes-iredmail087-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.6](./upgrade.iredmail.0.8.6-0.8.7.html) * __0.8.6__, released on Dec 16, 2013. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic5831-iredmail086-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.5](./upgrade.iredmail.0.8.5-0.8.6.html) -* __0.8.5__, released on Jul 16, 2013. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic5167-news-announcements-bug-fixes-iredmail085-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.4](http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?title=Upgrade/iRedMail/0.8.4-0.8.5) +* __0.8.5__, released on Jul 16, 2013. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic5167-news-announcements-bug-fixes-iredmail085-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.4](./upgrade.iredmail.0.8.4-0.8.5.html) * __0.8.4__, released on Mar 26, 2013. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic4646-news-announcements-bug-fixes-iredmail084-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.3](http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?title=Upgrade/iRedMail/0.8.3-0.8.4) * __0.8.3__, released on Oct 13, 2012. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic4016-news-announcements-bug-fixes-iredmail083-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.2](http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?title=Upgrade/iRedMail/0.8.2-0.8.3) * __0.8.2__, released on Sep 19, 2012. [Release notes](http://www.iredmail.org/forum/topic3913-news-announcements-bug-fixes-iredmail082-has-been-released.html), [Upgrade from iRedMail-0.8.1](http://www.iredmail.org/wiki/index.php?title=Upgrade/iRedMail/0.8.1-0.8.2)