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2016-02-29 02:15:19 -06:00
&nbsp;&nbsp;//&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="./index.html">Document Index</a></div><h1 id="migrate-old-iredmail-server-to-the-latest-stable-release">Migrate old iRedMail server to the latest stable release</h1>
<div class="toc">
<li><a href="#migrate-old-iredmail-server-to-the-latest-stable-release">Migrate old iRedMail server to the latest stable release</a><ul>
<li><a href="#client-settings-outlook-thunderbird">Client settings (Outlook, Thunderbird)</a></li>
<li><a href="#ldap-migrate-mail-accounts">LDAP: migrate mail accounts</a></li>
<li><a href="#mysqlpostgresql-migrate-mail-accounts">MySQL/PostgreSQL: Migrate mail accounts</a></li>
<li><a href="#migrate-mailboxes-maildir-format">Migrate mailboxes (Maildir format)</a></li>
<li><a href="#migrate-roundcube-webmail-data">Migrate Roundcube webmail data</a></li>
<li><a href="#migrate-amavisd-iredapd-iredadmin-databases">Migrate Amavisd, iRedAPD, iRedAdmin databases</a></li>
2015-07-12 08:10:46 -05:00
<li><a href="#migrate-dkim-keys">Migrate DKIM keys</a></li>
<li><a href="#post-migration">Post-migration</a></li>
<li><a href="#references">References</a></li>
<div class="admonition warning">
<p class="admonition-title">Warning</p>
<p>Please practise the migration on a test server first, make sure you understand
the whole procedure and migrate all required data.</p>
<p>Since new iRedMail server will install same components as old server, you can choose what data you want to migrate.</p>
<p>Most important data are:</p>
<li>email accounts stored in SQL/LDAP.</li>
<li>user mailboxes. Stored under /var/vmail by default.</li>
<li>SQL database of Roundcube webmail. It stores per-user webmail preferences, and address book.</li>
<li><strike>Policyd/Cluebringer database. It stores white/blacklists records, greylisting records, etc.</strike> Note: Policyd/Cluebringer were removed since iRedMail-0.9.3.</li>
<li>Amavisd database.<ul>
<li>It stores per-recipient white/blacklists in SQL tables: <code>mailaddr</code>, <code>policy</code>, <code>users</code>, <code>wblist</code>.</li>
<li>Basic info of in/out emails are stored in SQL tables: <code>maddr</code>, <code>msgs</code>, <code>msgrcpt</code>. Quarantined emails are stored in <code>quarantine</code>, it requires other 3 tables. If you don't have any quarantined emails, it's safe to delete all records in these 4 tables.</li>
<div class="admonition warning">
<p class="admonition-title">Warning</p>
<p>Do not restore database <code>mysql</code> exported from old server, it contains SQL
usernames/passwords for Roundcube/Amavisd/iRedAPD/iRedAdmin/... used on
old server. New iRedMail server has the same SQL usernames, but different
passwords. So please do not restore it.</p>
<h2 id="client-settings-outlook-thunderbird">Client settings (Outlook, Thunderbird)</h2>
<p>Since iRedMail-0.8.7, iRedMail enforces secure POP3/IMAP/SMTP connections,
please update your mail client applications to use TLS connection.</p>
<li>For SMTP service, use port <code>587</code> with <code>STARTTLS</code> (or <code>TLS</code>).</li>
<li>For IMAP service, use port <code>143</code> with <code>STARTTLS</code> (or <code>TLS</code>), or port <code>993</code> with <code>SSL</code>.</li>
<li>For POP3 service, use port <code>110</code> with <code>STARTTLS</code> (or <code>TLS</code>), or port <code>995</code> with <code>SSL</code>.</li>
<div class="admonition note">
<p class="admonition-title">Note</p>
<p>If you want to enable smtp authentication on port <code>25</code> (again, not
recommended), please comment out Postfix parameter <code>smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes</code>
in its config file <code>/etc/postfix/</code>.</p>
<p>if you want to enable SMTPS (SMTP over SSL, port <code>465</code>) to support
legency mail clients, please follow this tutorial:
<a href="./enable.smtps.html">How to enable SMTPS service</a>.</p>
<h2 id="ldap-migrate-mail-accounts">LDAP: migrate mail accounts</h2>
<p>Steps to migrate LDAP mail accounts:</p>
<li>Setup a new server with the latest iRedMail, and make iRedAdmin-Pro-LDAP work as expected.</li>
<li>Export mail accounts from LDAP on OLD mail server.</li>
<p>Normally, LDAP data can be exported into LDIF format. Here's backup/restore procedure: <a href="./backup.restore.html">Backup and Restore</a>.</p>
<li>There might be some changes in LDAP schema, please find scripts <a href="">here</a> to apply all required changes.</li>
<li>Here are all <a href="">upgrade tutorials for iRedMail</a>.</li>
<h2 id="mysqlpostgresql-migrate-mail-accounts">MySQL/PostgreSQL: Migrate mail accounts</h2>
<p>All mail accounts are stored in database <code>vmail</code> by default, to migrate mail
accounts, you can simply export this database on old server, then import it
on new server.</p>
<p><strong>IMPORTANT NOTE</strong>: iRedMail-0.8.7 drops several SQL columns, so before you
import backup SQL database, please add them first. It's safe to drop them
after you imported old database on new server.</p>
<pre><code class="mysql">mysql&gt; USE vmail;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE mailbox ADD COLUMN messages BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultlanguage VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en_US';
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultuserquota BIGINT(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1024';
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultuseraliases TEXT;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableddomainprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN disableduserprofiles VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN defaultpasswordscheme VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN minpasswordlength INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain ADD COLUMN maxpasswordlength INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
<p>After imported backup SQL databases, please execute below commands to mark
mail alias accounts and drop above newly created columns:</p>
<pre><code class="mysql">mysql&gt; USE vmail;
mysql&gt; UPDATE alias SET islist=1 WHERE address NOT IN (SELECT username FROM mailbox);
mysql&gt; UPDATE alias SET islist=0 WHERE address=domain; -- domain catch-all account
-- Store values into new column: domain.settings and drop them
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings='';
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(defaultlanguage IS NULL OR defaultlanguage='', '', CONCAT('default_language:', defaultlanguage, ';')));
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(defaultuserquota IS NULL OR defaultuserquota=0, '', CONCAT('default_user_quota:', defaultuserquota, ';')));
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(defaultuseraliases IS NULL OR defaultuseraliases='', '', CONCAT('default_groups:', defaultuseraliases, ';')));
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(minpasswordlength IS NULL OR minpasswordlength=0, '', CONCAT('min_passwd_length:', minpasswordlength, ';')));
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(maxpasswordlength IS NULL OR maxpasswordlength=0, '', CONCAT('max_passwd_length:', maxpasswordlength, ';')));
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(disableddomainprofiles IS NULL OR disableddomainprofiles='', '', CONCAT('disabled_domain_profiles:', disableddomainprofiles, ';')));
mysql&gt; UPDATE domain SET settings=CONCAT(settings, IF(disableduserprofiles IS NULL OR disableduserprofiles='', '', CONCAT('disabled_user_profiles:', disableduserprofiles, ';')));
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP defaultlanguage;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP defaultuserquota;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP defaultuseraliases;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP minpasswordlength;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP maxpasswordlength;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP disableddomainprofiles;
mysql&gt; ALTER TABLE domain DROP disableduserprofiles;
<p><strong>IMPORTANT NOTE</strong>: There might be some changes in SQL structure, please read
all upgrade tutorials for your current iRedMail release, then apply SQL
2015-02-03 22:44:56 -06:00
structure related changes. Check <a href="./iredmail.releases.html">upgrade tutorials for iRedMail</a>.</p>
<h2 id="migrate-mailboxes-maildir-format">Migrate mailboxes (Maildir format)</h2>
<div class="admonition warning">
<p class="admonition-title">Warning</p>
<li>Make sure the maildir path stored in SQL/LDAP matches the mailbox
path on file system, so that mail clients can find migrated mail messages.</li>
<li>After migrated mailboxes, you may want to recalculate mailbox quota by
following our tutorial:
<a href="./recalculate.mailbox.quota.html">Force Dovecot to recalculate mailbox quota</a></li>
2016-01-06 22:55:11 -06:00
<li>Copy all mailboxes (in Maildir format) to new iRedMail server with tools like <code>rsync</code>.</li>
2016-01-06 22:55:11 -06:00
<p>Set correct file owner and permission of mailboxes. Default owner is <code>vmail</code>,
group is <code>vmail</code>, permission is <code>0700</code>.</p>
2016-01-06 22:55:11 -06:00
<p>With SQL backends, you can get full maildir path of user with below SQL command:</p>
2016-01-06 22:55:11 -06:00
<pre><code>mysql&gt; USE vmail;
mysql&gt; SELECT CONCAT(storagebasedirectory, '/', storagenode, '/', maildir) FROM mailbox WHERE username='';
<li>With OpenLDAP backend, full maildir path is stored in LDAP attribute
<code>homeDirectory</code> of mail user object. You can query with <code>ldapsearch</code> command:</li>
<pre><code>$ ldapsearch -x -D 'cn=Manager,dc=xx,dc=xx' -b 'o=domains,dc=xx,dc=xx' -W &quot;(; homeDirectory
<h2 id="migrate-roundcube-webmail-data">Migrate Roundcube webmail data</h2>
<li>Export/import roundcube webmail database, and upgrade database to work with
new version of Roundcube.</li>
2015-07-12 08:10:46 -05:00
<p>Reference: <a href=""></a></p>
<h2 id="migrate-amavisd-iredapd-iredadmin-databases">Migrate Amavisd, iRedAPD, iRedAdmin databases</h2>
<p>Export those database on old server, then import them on new server.</p>
2015-07-12 08:10:46 -05:00
<h2 id="migrate-dkim-keys">Migrate DKIM keys</h2>
<p>Amavisd will read DKIM keys and sign outgoing emails. DKIM keys are stored
under <code>/var/lib/dkim</code> by default, you can copy all keys under this directory to
new server, and make sure they have correct file owner <code>amavis:amavis</code> and
permission <code>0600</code>.</p>
<p>If you prefer generating new DKIM keys on new server, don't forget to update
DNS records for mail domain names.</p>
<h2 id="post-migration">Post-migration</h2>
<p>After migration, please recalculate mailbox quota by following this tutorial:</p>
<li><a href="./recalculate.mailbox.quota.html">Force Dovecot to recalculate mailbox quota</a></li>
<h1 id="references">References</h1>
<li><a href="./password.hashes.html">Password hashes</a></li>
<li><a href="./reset.user.password.html">Reset user password</a></li>
<li><a href="./">Why append timestamp in maildir path</a></li>
</ul><div class="footer">
<p style="text-align: center; color: grey;">All documents are available in <a href="">BitBucket repository</a>, and published under <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons</a> license. You can <a href="">download the latest version</a> for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do <a href="">contact us</a> to fix it.</p>
2017-11-05 02:33:58 -06:00
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