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# Password hashes
## Password hashes supported by iRedMail
iRedMail configures Postfix to use Dovecot as SASL authenticate server, so all
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password schemes supported by Dovecot can be used in Postfix. Please refer to
Dovecot wiki page
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[`Password Schemes`](
for more details.
Below password schemes are supported in iRedAdmin-Pro (which means you can add new mail user with either one):
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1. SSHA512. e.g. `{SSHA512}FxgXDhBVYmTqoboW+ibyyzPv/wGG7y4VJtuHWrx+wfqrs/lIH2Qxn2eA0jygXtBhMvRi7GNFmL++6aAZ0kXpcy1fxag=`
1. BCRYPT. e.g. `{CRYPT}$2a$05$TKnXV39M3uJ4o.AbY1HbjeAval9bunHbxd0.6Qn782yKoBjTEBXTe`
1. SSHA. e.g. `{SSHA}OuCrqL2yWwQIu8a9uvyOQ5V/ZKfL7LJD`
1. MD5 (salted). For example:
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* with a prefix: `{CRYPT}$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250`
* without a prefix: `$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250`
__Important note__: SOGo groupware doesn't support MD5 without a prefix, so
if you're going to migrate MD5 password hash from old mail server, please
prepend `{CRYPT}` prefix in password hash.
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1. PLAIN-MD5 (without a salt). e.g. `0d2bf3c712402f428d48fed691850bfc`
1. Plain text. e.g. `123456`
__WARNING__: MD5, PLAIN-MD5 and plain password are weak, please don't use them.
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* `BCRYPT` is only available on BSD systems, because `libc` shipped in Linux
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doesn't support bcrypt.
## Default password schemes used in iRedMail
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* For MySQL and PostgreSQL backends:
* in iRedMail-0.9.0 and later versions: `SSHA512`
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* in iRedMail-0.8.7 and earlier versions: `salted MD5`
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* For LDAP backend: `SSHA`.
OpenLDAP's builtin password verification doesn't support SHA-2 password
hash formats directly, so if you have third-party applications which need
OpenLDAP's builtin password verification, you'd better use `SSHA` hash.
But if you don't have this concern, it's ok to store `SSHA512/BCRYPT`
hash as mail user password, then set `ldap_bind = no` in
`/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf`. SMTP/IMAP/POP3 services work with it, but
Apache basic auth doesn't.
## How to use different password hashes in iRedMail
### For MySQL and PostgreSQL backends
All mail users are stored in SQL table `vmail.mailbox`, user password is stored
in SQL column `mailbox.password`. For example:
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2014-09-20 05:55:33 -05:00
2015-08-26 23:51:21 -05:00
sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250' WHERE username='xx@xx';
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{SSHA}OuCrqL2yWwQIu8a9uvyOQ5V/ZKfL7LJD' WHERE username='xx@xx';
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{SSHA512}FxgXDhBVYmTqoboW+ibyyzPv/wGG7y4VJtuHWrx+wfqrs/lIH2Qxn2eA0jygXtBhMvRi7GNFmL++6aAZ0kXpcy1fxag=' WHERE username='xx@xx';
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* To store PLAIN-MD5, you have to prepend `{PLAIN-MD5}` in your password hash:
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2015-08-26 23:51:21 -05:00
sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{PLAIN-MD5}0d2bf3c712402f428d48fed691850bfc' WHERE username='xx@xx';
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* To store plain password, you have to prepend `{PLAIN}`:
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sql> USE vmail;
sql> UPDATE mailbox SET password='{PLAIN}123456' WHERE username='xx@xx';
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### For OpenLDAP backend
User password is stored in attribute `userPassword` of user object.
* To store plain password, SSHA, SSHA512 password hash, just store them in
original format. For example:
2014-09-20 05:55:33 -05:00
userPassword: 123456
userPassword: {SSHA}OuCrqL2yWwQIu8a9uvyOQ5V/ZKfL7LJD
userPassword: {SSHA512}FxgXDhBVYmTqoboW+ibyyzPv/wGG7y4VJtuHWrx+wfqrs...
* To store standard MD5 password (salted MD5 hash), please prepend `{CRYPT}`
(case insensitive) in your password hash. For example:
2014-09-20 05:55:33 -05:00
```userPassword: {CRYPT}$1$GfHYI7OE$vlXqMZSyJOSPXAmbXHq250```
__IMPORTANT NOTE__: If you want to input password hash with phpLDAPadmin,
please choose `clear` in the password hash list, then input password hash.
## See also
* [Reset user password](./reset.user.password.html)