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<title>iRedAdmin-Pro: Custom (Amavisd) ban rules</title>
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&nbsp;&nbsp;//&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="./index.html">Document Index</a></div><h1 id="iredadmin-pro-custom-amavisd-ban-rules">iRedAdmin-Pro: Custom (Amavisd) ban rules</h1>
<div class="toc">
<li><a href="#iredadmin-pro-custom-amavisd-ban-rules">iRedAdmin-Pro: Custom (Amavisd) ban rules</a><ul>
<li><a href="#builtin-ban-rules">Builtin ban rules</a></li>
<li><a href="#add-new-ban-rules">Add new ban rules</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-to-use-the-ban-rules">How to use the ban rules</a><ul>
<li><a href="#assign-ban-rules-with-iredadmin-pro">Assign ban rules with iRedAdmin-Pro</a></li>
<li><a href="#assign-ban-rules-with-sql-command-line">Assign ban rules with SQL command line</a></li>
<h2 id="builtin-ban-rules">Builtin ban rules</h2>
<p>iRedMail-1.4.1 ships 4 builtin Amavisd ban rules, they're defined in
<a href="./file.locations.html#amavisd">Amavisd config file</a> like below:</p>
<pre><code>%banned_rules = (
# Allow all Microsoft Office documents.
'ALLOW_MS_OFFICE' =&gt; new_RE([qr'.\.(doc|docx|xls|xlsx|ppt|pptx)$'i =&gt; 0]),
# Allow Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint documents separately.
'ALLOW_MS_WORD' =&gt; new_RE([qr'.\.(doc|docx)$'i =&gt; 0]),
'ALLOW_MS_EXCEL' =&gt; new_RE([qr'.\.(xls|xlsx)$'i =&gt; 0]),
'ALLOW_MS_PPT' =&gt; new_RE([qr'.\.(ppt|pptx)$'i =&gt; 0]),
# Default rule.
'DEFAULT' =&gt; $banned_filename_re,
2021-07-23 03:53:27 -05:00
<li><code>ALLOW_MS_OFFICE</code>: Allow all Microsoft Office documents.</li>
<li><code>ALLOW_MS_WORD</code>: Allow Microsoft Word documents (<code>.doc</code>, <code>.docx</code>).</li>
<li><code>ALLOW_MS_EXCEL</code>: Allow Microsoft Excel documents (<code>.xls</code>, <code>.xlsx</code>).</li>
<li><code>ALLOW_MS_PPT</code>: Allow Microsoft PowerPoint documents (<code>.ppt</code>, <code>.pptx</code>).</li>
<h2 id="add-new-ban-rules">Add new ban rules</h2>
<p>You're free to add new ban rules inside <code>%banned_rules = ();</code> parameter.
For example, let's add new rule <code>BLOCK_COMPRESS</code> to block few compress file
formats, and <code>ALLOW_PDF</code> to allow / bypass <code>.pdf</code> files:</p>
<pre><code>%banned_rules = (
# ... omit other existing rules here ...
'BLOCK_COMPRESS' =&gt; new_RE([qr'.\.(zip|7z|gz|bz2|tar|rar)$'i]),
'ALLOW_PDF' =&gt; new_RE([qr'.\.pdf$'i =&gt; 0]),
<p>Restarting Amavisd service is required after updated its config file.</p>
<p>If you're running iRedAdmin-Pro, please list your custom rules in its config
file <code>/opt/www/iredadmin/</code> like below, so that you can use them
in per-user, per-domain and global <code>Spam Policy</code> page.</p>
<pre><code># Add this parameter if it doesn't exist.
# The syntax is (Python dictionary):
# {
# &quot;rule-name-1&quot;: &quot;comment-2&quot;,
# &quot;rule-name-2&quot;: &quot;comment-2&quot;,
# }
&quot;BLOCK_COMPRESS&quot;: &quot;Block compressed files (zip, 7z, gz, bz2, tar, rar)&quot;,
&quot;ALLOW_PDF&quot;: &quot;Allow PDF files (.pdf)
<p>Restarting "iredadmin" service is required after updated its config file.</p>
<h2 id="how-to-use-the-ban-rules">How to use the ban rules</h2>
<h3 id="assign-ban-rules-with-iredadmin-pro">Assign ban rules with iRedAdmin-Pro</h3>
<p>With iRedAdmin-Pro, you can easily manage per-user, per-domain and global spam
policies, including ban rules.</p>
<li>For per-user ban rules, please go to user profile page, tab "<strong>Spam Policy</strong>".</li>
<li>For per-domain ban rules, please go to domain profile page, tab "<strong>Spam Policy</strong>".</li>
<li>For global ban rules, please click "<strong>System</strong>" on main navigation bar, then
choose "<strong>Global Spam Policy</strong>".</li>
<p>Note: per-user spam policy has the highest priority, and global one has the
lowest priority.</p>
<h3 id="assign-ban-rules-with-sql-command-line">Assign ban rules with SQL command line</h3>
<p>If you already define per-user, per-domain, or global spam policy with
iRedAdmin-Pro or manually, you can now assign these ban rules to them.</p>
<p>For example, if you have spam policy for user <code></code>, to allow
this user to accept Microsoft Word and Excel documents, you can run SQL
commands below to achieve it (Note: we use MySQL for example):</p>
<pre><code>USE amavisd;
UPDATE policy SET banned_rulenames=&quot;ALLOW_MS_WORD,ALLOW_MS_EXCEL&quot; WHERE policy_name=&quot;;;
<p>Multiple rule names must be separated by comma.</p><div class="footer">
<p style="text-align: center; color: grey;">All documents are available in <a href="">GitHub repository</a>, and published under <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons</a> license. You can <a href="">download the latest version</a> for offline reading. If you found something wrong, please do <a href="">contact us</a> to fix it.</p>